Electricity Company https://www.starenergypartners.com Mon, 24 Aug 2020 18:38:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.10 Where Does Your Clean Energy Provider Get Its Energy Supply? https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/clean-energy-provider-get-energy-supply/ Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:02:35 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10836 Your Clean Energy Provider And Its Sources You’re interested in clean energy, but you want to know where it comes from. After all, the whole reason you want to switch from your current provider is because you know where they get their energy from and you don’t like it. So in order to feel comfortable with...

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Your Clean Energy Provider And Its Sources

You’re interested in clean energy, but you want to know where it comes from. After all, the whole reason you want to switch from your current provider is because you know where they get their energy from and you don’t like it. So in order to feel comfortable with the clean energy provider, it is good to know where the energy comes from so you can feel good about using it. Here are a few of the sources.

Solar Power Makes The World Go Around

Solar power is probably the clean energy source you’ve heard the most about over the years. It’s true that it is a leading energy source on today’s clean energy market. But in order to get solar power, don’t you have to have solar panels? Well, someone does, but not you. That’s where the clean energy provider comes in to help. The energy provider already has the solar panels, can harness that energy and can add it to the grid. You can now use the energy that is already there, whenever you need it.

Clean Energy Providers Take What The Wind Gives

Have you ever noticed that it doesn’t take long before there’s another windy day? And even when it feels stifling outside, the clouds are still moving above you. That’s because there’s pretty much always wind. And your clean energy provider has wind farms that can take that wind and make it into the electricity you need to use. You don’t have to do anything but sign up and the wind energy can be yours to use.

Water And It’s Hydropower

There’s a lot a lot of running water in the country and water has plenty of energy. Hydropower takes the energy from the movement of water and turns that into electricity as well. This power is then added to the grid and you get the energy you need once again.

Why You Need To Switch To A Clean Energy Provider

Your clean energy provider uses more than one energy source. Sure, each of the sources is great on their own, but when you put them together, you get that much more energy…and it’s all clean! So while you may not know exactly where your energy comes from when you flip on your lights, you know it’s clean. And it’s coming from natural, renewable resources based on the sun, the wind, and the water around you. That will lessen your carbon footprint on the environment right away. And, because these resources are natural and always renewing themselves you don’t have to worry about them ever running out. If you’re ready to take the next step with a clean energy provider, contact Star Energy Partners for more information. We can go over any details you want to discuss to ensure that you have the information you need to make an informed decision. If you decide to go with us, we’ll even contact your former provider and make the switch happen for you so that’s one less thing you have to do.


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How Renewable Energy Can Make Your Home Sustainable https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/renewable-energy-can-make-home-sustainable/ Thu, 15 Feb 2018 23:58:51 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10832 Cost-Effective Ways To Utilize Renewable Energy Let’s face it, we all know that we need to reduce some of our home’s negative impact on the planet, but we may not want to put in a huge amount of time, money, or effort to the cause. Solar panels are costly and they aren’t practical for every...

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Cost-Effective Ways To Utilize Renewable Energy

Let’s face it, we all know that we need to reduce some of our home’s negative impact on the planet, but we may not want to put in a huge amount of time, money, or effort to the cause. Solar panels are costly and they aren’t practical for every home. But there are practical things you can do in every room of the house in order to make your life at home a bit more green.

Renewable Energy In The Living Room

There are a number of rooms in your home, but the living room is where the most activity happen. The first thing you should do to go green is replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. They will save a ton of energy over the years and emit much less greenhouse gas. Second, make sure you unplug your TV and other electronic devices when they are not in use. TVs are usually on standby for 17 hours of the day. Save electricity by simply unplugging them. Third, open up your blinds instead of turning on lights. You can save quite a bit on heating and energy use by using sunlight.

In The Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of any home and with so many appliances running at all times, it can be one of the most energy-sucking rooms in the house as well. Use these tips to ensure that you are as green as possible. First, make sure your fridge is in a shady part of the room and not touched by the natural sunlight so it can stay cooler without working as hard. Second, any time you replace appliances, get Energy Star Certified options to use less energy. And third, use your microwave instead of your oven when possible. You’ll use 50% less energy with this device.

In The Bedrooms

Most rooms have multiple bedrooms and each of them can save energy and contribute to renewable energy sources in a number of ways. First, ensure that the rooms have energy efficient windows in them to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Second, get creative and repurpose old furniture instead of buying something new. And third, when you want to redecorate, use eco-paints that have low levels of organic compounds.

In The Bathrooms

Bathrooms go through a lot of use in one day and you can save energy in that room as well. First, turn off the water any time you are not using it, like when you are brushing your teeth or shampooing your hair. Second, open the windows to get rid of humidity instead of using a fan. And third, fix any leaks when you notice them to cut back on water usage.

Renewable Energy For Your Whole House

The best thing you can do for every room of the house at once is to sign up with Star Energy Partners as a renewable energy provider for all of your electricity. You’ll pay less, have reliable service, and know that your carbon footprint is lessening.

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Myths About Your Renewable Energy Provider https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/myths-renewable-energy-provider/ Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:54:42 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10828 Busting Myths About Your Renewable Energy Provider Imagine a world free of pollution where we wouldn’t feel so helpless about climate change, the air we breathe, and all the other dangers we have created in the environment. That world is actually within our reach because of renewable energy provider options. But when you look into...

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Busting Myths About Your Renewable Energy Provider

Imagine a world free of pollution where we wouldn’t feel so helpless about climate change, the air we breathe, and all the other dangers we have created in the environment. That world is actually within our reach because of renewable energy provider options. But when you look into renewable energy, you might see a lot of things that you don’t like. But most (if not all!) of those negative items are actually myths. Let’s bust them so you can make a decision about renewable energy provider options based on truth!

Myth 1: Renewable Energy Provider Options Are Expensive

It’s true that placing solar panels on your roof or building a wind turbine in your backyard would be rather costly, but using a renewable energy provider isn’t. Solar and wind energy technology have grown in recent years and the cost of such energy has gone down. In fact, in many regions and countries, it’s actually the most economical solution for power. When you partner with Star Energy Partners, you’ll see steady bills at a fixed rate, which will be lower than what you pay now.

Myth 2: Renewable Energy Can’t Supply Electricity All Day, Every Day

Solar power is good enough for the lights in your landscaping, but can it really power your whole house all day and all night? Yes, it can! Renewable energy can meet our energy needs in a reliable, safe manner. The difference is, the energy comes from the sun, the wind, and other things that can be replenished. And it doesn’t pollute the earth when we use it.

Myth 3: Renewable Energy Is Actually Bad For The Environment

There are a number of studies that say a renewable energy provider is actually bad for the environment, but that’s just not true. Here are a few such instances:

Birds And Bats

Some argue against wind farms because they can kill birds and bats. However, before wind farms are constructed, the bird population and migratory patterns are assessed to ensure their safety.


Studies show that wind farms bring noise complaints, but the noise isn’t always the reason for complaint. People don’t hear anything from them, they simply complain based on aesthetic grounds and need another reason to issue complaints.

Land Use

Wind farmland can still be used for other things outside of the wind turbines. It’s not wasting land at all. Cattle can still graze and the land can be farmed.


Sure, creating wind turbines and solar panels puts a footprint on the earth, but studies have shown that solar panels offset their carbon footprint in about four years.

Partner With A Renewable Energy Provider

Now that you know the truth about renewable energy, it’s easy to see how it’s an advantage to both you and the environment. Who doesn’t want to make the world a greener place while saving money at the same time? Star Energy Partners will even make the arrangements with your current electricity provider to get you switched over.

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How You Can Use Solar Energy Outside Of Your Home https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/can-use-solar-energy-outside-home/ Thu, 25 Jan 2018 00:49:36 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10812 Utilize Solar Energy Outside Of Your Home You try to use solar energy as much as you can in your own home, but what about outside of your home? Your house isn’t the only place you can use solar energy. The more you use solar energy,  the more preservation you will be doing for the...

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Utilize Solar Energy Outside Of Your Home

You try to use solar energy as much as you can in your own home, but what about outside of your home? Your house isn’t the only place you can use solar energy. The more you use solar energy,  the more preservation you will be doing for the environment. Not only that, but you’ll also be saving money too! Consider some of these solar energy applications and make them a habit.

Phone Cases With Solar Panels

There are some smartphone cases that come with solar panels in the back. When the panel faces the sun, it can charge your phone. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, this can be more than ideal for you. Forget finding an outlet and carrying around your charger! You can use a natural resource to help charge your phone.

Boats That Run On Solar Energy

There are boats that are designed to run on solar energy because of solar panels and other accessories. You don’t have to have added fuel or oil because the sun generates the electricity the motor and appliances need. As the technology develops, some boats can even go on long-range trips without fossil fuels.

Solar-Powered Tents And Cooking Stoves

You don’t want to have to idle your car to charge up devices because you can use solar energy instead. There are plenty of solar-related devices that work well for campers like charging stations, cooking stoves, solar-powered tents and more. Forget about the propane tanks and go solar.

Flashlights With Solar Power

Who wants to buy expensive batteries all the time only to run out when you need them the most? Flashlights can store solar energy so you can use them when you need to see in the event of a power outage or another emergency.

Pools With Solar Energy Instead Of Gas

Most pools get a lot of sun so it’s only natural to use the sun’s heat to transfer heat into the pool. You can put solar panels on the pools cover in order to retain the heat in the water. There are also solar tubes available to heat the pool like you would with gas. You just use solar energy instead of gas power.

Solar Lighting

If you have any landscape lights, you can probably put solar panels on them. They are easier to install with no wires involved and you get the light you need every night after they recharge from the sun. There are cities and residential areas that have solar lighting as well. They can save money in the long run and increase safety.

Start With Your Home And Go From There

There are so many uses for solar energy, it’s hard to list them all. If you want to start incorporating solar energy, your home is a good place to make the initial transition. Now, you could install solar panels, but that would cost a lot of money and take a lot of time. Instead, contact Star Energy Partners and look into getting solar energy from a green energy provider. We’re here to get you the clean energy you want with as little hassle as possible.

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How A Green Energy Provider Can Help You https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/green-energy-provider-can-help/ Mon, 15 Jan 2018 04:13:57 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10797 Showing An Interest in Green Energy Of course, you have an interest in green energy. You want the world to be a better place! You want there to be energy for your kids without them having to wear masks outside in order to breath. It only makes sense to look into a green energy provider...

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Showing An Interest in Green Energy

Of course, you have an interest in green energy. You want the world to be a better place! You want there to be energy for your kids without them having to wear masks outside in order to breath. It only makes sense to look into a green energy provider at this point in your life. But how will they help you? What happens when you decide in this direction? Use this outline to get an idea of how things will work when you’re partnering with a green energy provider.

Reach Out To A Green Energy Provider

The first thing you will need to do is reach out to a green energy provider in order to show your interest in the service. If you are interested now, you don’t have to go much further to get some details. You already know what you want and that you want to support a greener earth while saving money for yourself.

Know What You Are Getting Yourself Into

You never want to make a big change until you know what you are in for. That means getting a quote from Star Energy Partners so you can understand what the costs will be from your green energy provider and how they are calculated. You will get a fixed rate for the renewable energy you will use and that will help save you money upfront and in the long run.

Become A Partner In Minutes

Once you have a quote and you decide to move forward with the process, you can become a Star Energy Partners in minutes. You will get a 36-month term where you will have green energy, at a low fixed rate, price protection, and the freedom to cancel whenever you want. You don’t lock yourself into anything at all when you sign up so there are no worries about what might happen in the future.

Your Green Energy Provider Will Help You Switch Over

Once you are all signed up, you’re basically done. Star Energy Partners will contact your utility company and get you switched over so you don’t have to do anything at all. You will have uninterrupted service and you’ll help the Earth right away.


Once you are part of the green energy grid, you are locked in at the best available rate. You get the best price of renewable energy sources at all times. And there are no termination fees so if you aren’t satisfied, you can opt out any time. The more people that use renewable energy, the better. You can enjoy your energy at home knowing that one more person is bettering the Earth.

Contact Star Energy Partners

If you know what you want and you’re ready for a green energy provider, contact Star Energy Partners to get the process started. In as little as just a few minutes, you can have things in order so you can start using renewable energy right away. Don’t waste any more natural resources. Contact Star Energy Partners and get started with a green energy provider!

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Renewable Energy Sources: Who Are They And What Do They Do https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/renewable-energy-sources/ Fri, 05 Jan 2018 04:09:39 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10791 The Different Types Of Renewable Energy When you think of renewable energy, you might think of one particular source. Perhaps there are wind turbines near your house or you have heard a lot about solar power. While those are valid options, renewable energy comes from a variety of other resources as well. If you’re looking...

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The Different Types Of Renewable Energy

When you think of renewable energy, you might think of one particular source. Perhaps there are wind turbines near your house or you have heard a lot about solar power. While those are valid options, renewable energy comes from a variety of other resources as well. If you’re looking to read more about them, keep scrolling for details!

Solar Energy

The sun has been producing energy for billions of years and it has never run out. Its rays are used for heat and give plants what they need to grow. Over time, we have developed technology to collect solar energy and use it as electricity. Today, there are solar power systems that can heat water, power homes, and do a number of other things. Solar energy doesn’t pollute the air or create carbon dioxide.

Wind Energy

The uneven heating of the earth’s surface through sunlight causes wind. When there are different types of land and water, it absorbs the heat of the sun at different rates. The air above land heats up faster, expands, and rises to create wind. Today, wind energy can also be used to generate electricity. Wind turbines are being placed all over the country to produce renewable energy.

Geothermal Power

Geothermal is a heat energy that is created and stored within Earth. The renewable energy source is continuously produced naturally inside of Earth. The slow decay of particles and continual heat loss from Earth’s formation produces the energy and today, people use it to heat their homes and get electricity.


The largest renewable energy source in the United States lies in hydropower. Water is the source for this power and power plants are usually placed close to the water source. As water vapors condense in the clouds, they fall later as rain. That precipitation collects in rivers and streams which evaporates and starts the process again. When the water moves, it can create substantial energy that can be turned into electricity.


Biomass is material that comes from plants and animals and another source of renewable energy. It contains stored energy from the sun that can be burned for fuel. Burning is the only way to release energy in biomass, but it can be converted to other forms of energy like methane gas or ethanol.

Taking Advantage Of Renewable Energy

If you’d like to use renewable energy of any kind, it’s best to talk to the professionals at Star Energy Partners. We can give you renewable energy for your home at a fixed energy rate so you don’t have to worry about the rising energy costs any longer. We’ll also work with your current utility company ourselves to get you switched over so you don’t have to worry about that headache either. We’re here to help as many people have access to renewable energy as possible. Let’s get started on making you one of them!


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Clean Energy Provider Energy Efficiency Suggestions https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/clean-energy-provider-energy-efficiency-suggestions/ Mon, 25 Dec 2017 04:13:02 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10777 Making The Most Of Your Energy Use This Year As the holidays come upon us, it’s the time of year when people reflect on the past 12 months and what they want to do differently for the new year. If you are looking to make a New Year’s Resolution, why not resolve to use less...

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Making The Most Of Your Energy Use This Year

As the holidays come upon us, it’s the time of year when people reflect on the past 12 months and what they want to do differently for the new year. If you are looking to make a New Year’s Resolution, why not resolve to use less energy? There are a number of things you can do to cut back. If you do your part, the environment will thank you for it. Star Energy Partners has a few ideas on how you can cut back on energy use and increase the energy efficiency of your home. And, the best news is, these are all things you can do yourself.

Item 1: Insulate Windows

Wait until the weather is warm enough and then caulk or weather strip around your windows. Watch for cracks and wear and tear around the windows. Insulating them will help keep the air out of your house so your temperature controlled air stays in. That will allow you better energy efficiency overall. If your windows are really bad and leaky, you may need new windows to take care of the problem long-term.

Item 2: Insulate Doors

Similar to the windows, apply weather stripping along the outside of a door’s frame to keep it insulated. You can also place a long strip along the bottom to insulate that crack as well. If your door is old and flimsy, consider a new energy efficient version.

Item 3: Install Ceiling Fans

Sure, ceiling fans feel good when you’re hot in the summer, but they do a lot more for energy efficiency than you might think, even in the winter. Turn them on the opposite way in the winter and they will push the warm air down and keep your house warmer. In the summer, they will make you feel cooler so you don’t have to crank the air as low.

Item 4: Put In A Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t already have a thermostat you can program, a thermostat is one of the simplest ways to increase the energy efficiency of your home. The installation process is easy enough and you can regulate your home’s temperature around your schedule. In the winter, you can keep things cooler at night when you are asleep under blankets. You can also turn the heat down when you are at the office or when you’re away for the weekend. You can restrict your heating and cooling to the times when you need it the most and save energy.

Item 5: Find A Clean Energy Provider

One of the biggest ways you can save energy is to forget about your regular utility company and find a clean energy provider instead. Star Energy Partners can switch you over without you doing any of the work with your old company at all. You will save tons of non-renewable energy because you will be working with only clean energy from that time forward. Contact Star Energy Partners for an estimate on our services.

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Renewable Energy Shouldn’t Be Hard https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/renewable-energy-shouldnt-hard/ Fri, 15 Dec 2017 04:09:31 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10764 Switching Over With Ease You might want to build larger arm muscles, but finding the time and the energy to lift weights every day is just too hard! You’d like to renovate your bathroom, but saving the money and doing the work is hard! There are a lot of things that are hard and at...

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Switching Over With Ease

You might want to build larger arm muscles, but finding the time and the energy to lift weights every day is just too hard! You’d like to renovate your bathroom, but saving the money and doing the work is hard! There are a lot of things that are hard and at times, life is complicated enough. The thought of switching to a renewable energy source can be difficult as well. You’re comfortable with your current utility company and while you don’t like the bills, it’s cumbersome to figure out another option. When it comes to Star Energy Partners, the switch couldn’t be easier. Here are some of the things we promise to do as your provider:

We Give 100% Green Energy

If you would like to have renewable energy, you’ll likely wonder how much of that energy you receive is actually green. Companies could just say they’re green and then give you whatever energy they want, right? Although some companies would do something like that, Star Energy Partners stands by providing 100% green energy. We want to pave a clean, safe, and better path for the future by expanding our use of green energy. It won’t be hard for you to switch over. Don’t worry about installing solar panels or a wind turbine. You just need our services and you’ll automatically be using green energy.

Prices Are Fixed And Protected

You know what’s hard? Not knowing what your energy bills are going. Sure, some regular utility companies have level payment plans, but after six months or a year, those can change and skyrocket at a moment’s notice. When you sign up with Star Energy Partners, you can push that worry out the window. We’ll give you a 36-month energy agreement that guarantees you level rates that are both fixed and protected. No more wondering what your bills will look like every month.

Forget Fees

If you cancel with a utility company before your term is up, you might have to pay early termination fees. We don’t want to make things hard for you at Star Energy Partners. Instead, we’ll let you out of your contract at any time if you aren’t satisfied with the outcome of the services you’ve received. There are no early-termination fees to worry about.

Easy Transferring

Energy companies are often purposefully complicated so you don’t have a shot at understanding what they do. With Star Energy Partners, we keep it simple. We have straightforward payment plans and we’ll even call your current utility company to get you switched over to us if you go with renewable energy.

Call Today

Getting renewable energy doesn’t have to be hard when you work with Star Energy Partners. Contact us today for a free estimate.


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Reduce Costs With A Renewable Energy Provider https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/reduce-costs-renewable-energy-provider/ Tue, 05 Dec 2017 21:07:49 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10759 No Installations, No Costs When it comes to energy use, you want to be part of the solution, not the problem. There are a number of things you can do. First, make your home as energy efficient as possible by adding insulation to your attic, switch to energy-saving light bulbs, and caulking the cracks around...

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No Installations, No Costs

When it comes to energy use, you want to be part of the solution, not the problem. There are a number of things you can do. First, make your home as energy efficient as possible by adding insulation to your attic, switch to energy-saving light bulbs, and caulking the cracks around your windows and doors. But you want to take things a step further and make a difference in your energy use. Consider a renewable energy provider to reduce your energy costs and your energy use at the same time.

No Installations Necessary

You might think that if you want to reduce your energy use and use clean energy sources, you have to go about costly installations. When you work with a renewable energy provider, you are able to get your energy from solar and wind power without the installations of solar panels or wind turbines. The renewable energy provider has those items and takes the energy they create and transfers it along to you. It’s as easy as working with your normal utility company, only it’s completely clean energy.

No Extra Charges

When you buy organic foods, they cost more. You might think that clean energy is going to cost more as well, but that’s not the case. In fact, when you use a renewable energy provider, you’ll have a much easier time predicting your bills. The costs don’t fluctuate like they do when you use your local utility company. You’ll have a steady cost and you won’t have to install anything that will cause extra charges.

Make It Easy

If you want to switch over to a renewable energy provider, you might think you will have to spend a lot of time on the phone setting things up. First, you have to make arrangements with the new company. Then, you have to coordinate with the old company to get that service stopped at the right time so you don’t have any interruptions in your power. But when you choose Star Energy Partners as your renewable energy provider, we’ll take care of that for you. Just let us know which company you’re using and we’ll make the calls and do the coordinating for you to make it as simple as possible switching over.

Give Star Energy Partners A Call

We’d love to hear from you and work up a quote to cover your energy needs from a true renewable energy provider. We want to get as many homes using clean energy as we can. Let’s start with you!

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Busting Myths About Solar Energy https://www.starenergypartners.com/blog/electricity-company/busting-myths-solar-energy/ Sat, 25 Nov 2017 01:24:04 +0000 http://www.starenergypartners.com/?p=10746 Learn The Truth About Solar Energy Solar energy has grown exponentially over the years, but there are still a lot of myths surrounding it. If you want to know more about solar energy, it’s time to take a closer look at the myths so you have an understanding of what solar energy is about. Myth:...

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Learn The Truth About Solar Energy

Solar energy has grown exponentially over the years, but there are still a lot of myths surrounding it. If you want to know more about solar energy, it’s time to take a closer look at the myths so you have an understanding of what solar energy is about.

Myth: Solar Panels Don’t Work In The Cold

Solar panels work very well in cold climates. Actually, they’re at their best in cold, sunny conditions. Conductivity actually increases in cooler temperatures, making electricity flow more efficiently. The higher temperatures reduce efficiency because they produce less power from the same amount of light when they get overheated.

Myth: Solar Power Will Get More Efficient

Many homeowners want to wait to get solar energy because they think solar power will get better later. However, the current technology for solar panels and solar energy is very well established. Companies have been using the same technology when it comes to solar energy for the past 50 years. If you go with a solar energy provider, you don’t have to worry about installing anything anyway. It’ll be up to the renewable energy company to upgrade if the need arises.

Myth: Solar Power Doesn’t Work Under Cloudy Conditions

Snow and clouds can reduce the amount of energy solar panels create, but they can still work efficiently in these conditions. If you have a solar power company providing you with energy, they know what they are doing to get the most from their solar panels. In snowy conditions, they install panels at an angle so snow slides off and doesn’t accumulate. There is still sun shining through even on cloudy days as well. Otherwise, it would be completely dark at all times.

Myth: Only A Few States Offer Incentive For Solar Power

Actually, almost every state offers some type of incentive for using solar energy. Do a little research on your state and see what incentives you have for going with a renewable resource company that provides solar power. There are also tax credits that can come with switching over.

Myth: Solar Panels Store Energy In Batteries

If you have solar landscape lights, you know they store energy in their batteries and then power lights overnight with that energy. You might think solar energy works in the same fashion. But your clean energy provider does not use batteries to give you solar energy. Instead, the solar panels are connected to a power grid that adds up to give customers the energy they need, when they need it.

Get More Information

If you want to learn more about solar energy and other renewable energy resources, contact Star Energy Partners with your questions. We’d be happy to give you a free quote and talk to you about how solar energy can impact your lifestyle, bills, the environment, and many other areas. Choose renewable energy in the easiest way possible, without installing anything at your home or office building.

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