Energy Efficiency Mon, 24 Aug 2020 18:38:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Double Prizes: An Energy Efficient Mortgage Can Get You a Good Deal And Energy Efficiency Wed, 01 Jun 2016 08:00:52 +0000 When you are shopping for a new home—or actually making the big move into that new house—keeping your expenses at a minimum is key. This poses a sort of catch22 situation: invest in energy efficiency upgrades when building or purchasing a new home (and enjoy those savings for years to come), or forego these improvements...

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energy efficient mortgage

When you are shopping for a new home—or actually making the big move into that new house—keeping your expenses at a minimum is key. This poses a sort of catch22 situation: invest in energy efficiency upgrades when building or purchasing a new home (and enjoy those savings for years to come), or forego these improvements and be steadily bled by higher energy costs?

Luckily, energy efficient mortgages are an incredibly helpful alternative that can get you a good deal on your mortgage while also making it easier to afford those energy efficient upgrades now, allowing you to save for years and years to come!

What Are Energy Efficient Mortgages?

An energy efficient mortgage (EEM) is a mortgage that factors a home’s energy efficiency into the mortgage itself. These mortgages give borrowers the opportunity to finance cost-effective, energy-saving measures as part of a single mortgage and stretch debt-to-income qualifying ratios on loans at the same time, thereby allowing them to qualify for a larger loan amount and a better, more energy-efficient home. It’s a win-win situation!

Why Should You Get One?

Aside from the fact that you could get a better deal on your mortgage, why would you want to choose an EEM? Here are a few statistics that demonstrate just how lucrative energy efficiency can be in your home:

  • Heating and cooling costs account for 50—70% of total energy costs in the average American home. So there are tons of opportunities for savings.
  • About 60% of existing homes don’t have proper insulation. Upgrading your insulation can save you a lot of energy, so it is a great place to start your home improvements!
  • Programmable thermostats can save about 2% on heating bills and more than 3% on cooling bills. That translates to roughly $180 a year!


In 1992, the Department of Housing and Urban Development initiated the Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEMs) as a pilot demonstration in five states. Then in 1995, the program was expanded to a national program.

Under the EEM program, the Federal Housing Administration insures a borrower’s mortgage used to purchase or refinance their home, and the cost of energy efficiency improvements to be made to their home. Click here to learn more about energy efficient mortgages!

Check out the rest of our Bright Insights blog for more information on renewable energy and energy efficiency advice!

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Save Energy On The Side With Energy Efficient Siding! Wed, 01 Jun 2016 08:00:24 +0000 If you’re looking for ideas for home improvements that can lower your energy bill, then we’ve got a great one for you: energy efficient siding. Investing in energy efficient siding is just one more way that you can increase the energy efficiency and property value of your home! Aside from making your house look charming,...

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If you’re looking for ideas for home improvements that can lower your energy bill, then we’ve got a great one for you: energy efficient siding. Investing in energy efficient siding is just one more way that you can increase the energy efficiency and property value of your home!

Aside from making your house look charming, upgrading your house’s siding can increase your energy efficiency by ensuring that your home is protected from the elements, making it easy to temperature control. This follows the same reasoning for using insulation: keeping the weather outside rather than inside makes it easier and cheaper to regulate your home’s internal temperature.

As with all investments, you’ll have to sink the initial cost, but you’ll begin enjoying those sweet, sweet savings in no time at all!

Vinyl siding is the standard, so we won’t dwell on the pros and cons here—you’re likely already aware of them. However, here are some great energy efficient and eco-friendly alternatives to consider if you choose to upgrade your siding:

Insulated vinyl siding

This variety of insulation is very similar to standard vinyl siding, but with one key exception— it also contains an extra layer of foam insulation. Remember what we said earlier about insulation?

Insulated vinyl siding does not require as much maintenance as regular vinyl siding and will stand the test of time while making your home more temperature controlled. The downside is the hefty price tag.

Fiber-cement siding

Fiber-cement siding is made of natural materials like sand, clay, wood-pulp fibers, and cement. It is very durable, resistant to rot, flame retardant, and even termite proof!

This variety of siding is incredibly low maintenance and durable, but since it isn’t as insulated as insulated vinyl siding, it won’t drive down your bills as much. However, there’s still an argument to be made for investing in siding that could last for a very long time and therefore save you money!

Wood siding

Wood siding is an incredibly eco-friendly option compared to its competitors, as it can be reused and recycled for other purposes. If you want to use wood siding, make sure that the siding you choose was produced by a sustainable, managed forest association.

The main downside is maintenance, chiefly staining to keep that wood protected from the elements and looking sharp.

Check out the rest of our Bright Insights blog for more information on renewable energy and energy efficiency advice!

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Planting the Seeds of Energy Efficiency: Gardening Energy Efficiency Tips Wed, 25 May 2016 08:00:49 +0000 Spring and summer are the best time for gardening! While gardening can certainly be a fun and relaxing activity, it can also be incredibly expensive. To keep a healthy and maintained lawn or garden, you have to invest in topsoil, fertilizer, and pest management, not to mention the time and energy spent weeding and doing...

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Spring and summer are the best time for gardening! While gardening can certainly be a fun and relaxing activity, it can also be incredibly expensive. To keep a healthy and maintained lawn or garden, you have to invest in topsoil, fertilizer, and pest management, not to mention the time and energy spent weeding and doing regular maintenance.

Here are a few convenient tips to increase the energy efficiency of your gardening and landscaping efforts this summer:

  • Plant, water your plants, and do general landscaping activities when it is cool outside. The EPA recommends doing these things in the early morning, as that is generally the coolest time of day during the summer.
  • Collect rainwater and use it to water plants—it’s effectively free water!
  • Mulching around your plants is a great way to reduce water loss, as well as making it harder for water-stealing weeds to thrive. Aside from purchasing mulch, you can use pine needles or compost. You can even use your grass clippings and fallen leaves in flower and vegetable gardens. Inorganic options include landscaping paper, rocks, and pebbles. However, these aren’t well suited for all climates—they can overheat in very warm parts of the country.
  • Adjust how you manage your lawn. The typical suburban lawn can soak up over 20,000 gallons of water each year, but it doesn’t have to be that much! Choose varieties of grass that don’t require as much water. For example, Bermuda and buffalo grass require 20% less water than fescue, bluegrass, and other cheaper options. What’s more, keeping your grass a bit longer will shade roots and slow evaporation. To get this, you can mow less often, and when you do mow, raise the height of your mower blade.
  • After mowing your lawn, leave the clippings around in your yard as a natural fertilizer for your grass.

Visit the rest of our Bright Insights blog for more energy efficiency advice!

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Why Netflix and Other Streaming Services Are Energy Efficient Ways to Consume Media Thu, 19 May 2016 08:00:23 +0000 Raise your hand if you have a Netflix account or easy access to one in your home. We can’t see you, but we’re willing to bet that you raised your hand! Netflix is by far the most popular online media-streaming app, and it is gaining popularity. It isn’t alone, as Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, YouTube...

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Raise your hand if you have a Netflix account or easy access to one in your home. We can’t see you, but we’re willing to bet that you raised your hand!

Netflix is by far the most popular online media-streaming app, and it is gaining popularity. It isn’t alone, as Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, YouTube Red, and others are competing in the same space.

There are many apps that are great at increasing energy efficiency, but should we count Netflix as one of them?

The answer appears to be yes! The good news for energy consumers is that these streaming apps are actually incredibly energy efficient when compared to other methods of consuming the same types of media.

Energy Efficiency of Netflix and Streaming Apps

According to a study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Americans streamed 3.2 billion hours of video, which consumed an amount of energy equivalent to 175,000 American households for one year in 2011.

The researchers found that the energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions associated with streaming videos was roughly comparable to having DVDs mailed to one’s home and consumed that way—think the early days of Netflix.

However, if media is consumed via DVD in any other way (picking up a Redbox movie, driving to the local video store, or purchasing a movie at a big box store), then the associated travel increases the energy use and carbon emissions, making streaming the better choice.

Now, a lot has changed since 2011, and streaming appears to have become the top dog when it comes to media consumption. As technology becomes more and more energy efficient, steaming apps will continue to become a better choice for energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.

What’s more, one should consider the environmental impact of the company they are choosing for their streaming service or the store they are commuting to when purchasing DVDs or Blu-rays. Netflix, for example, makes a point of purchasing renewable energy credits and receiving a significant percentage of their electricity from renewable energy sources.


Click here to learn more about how Netflix has made an effort to offset their carbon emissions with renewable energy!

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Two New Policies Could SAVE Residential Energy Customers Big Time! Wed, 18 May 2016 08:00:07 +0000 Renewable energy and energy efficient systems are not as common across the country as they should be. While there have been past pushes by the government to improve the energy industry in America, there is still more to be done. Luckily, two new pieces of proposed legislation are taking some large steps in the right...

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Renewable energy and energy efficient systems are not as common across the country as they should be. While there have been past pushes by the government to improve the energy industry in America, there is still more to be done.

Luckily, two new pieces of proposed legislation are taking some large steps in the right direction, promising to make renewable energy and energy efficiency much easier to attain for residential energy customers!


The Sensible Accounting to Value Energy (SAVE) Act is considered one of the best proposals for expanding energy efficiency opportunities in the residential sector. If it passes, the SAVE Act would incorporate energy efficiency into residential mortgage underwriting. As a result, homeowners would realize the full monetary return on investment in energy efficiency.

In a nutshell: the SAVE Act would incentivize and require energy efficiency standards, meaning that the entire housing market would become more energy efficient as a standard. This could be great news if it is passed! 

Energy Policy Modernization Act

This bipartisan bill, approved 85 to 12 by Senate Republicans and Democrats on the often-polarizing topic of energy policy, aims to respond to the rapidly transforming energy landscape in our nation today.

The Energy Policy Modernization Act would include provisions to promote renewable energy, improve the energy efficiency of buildings, and to cut some planet-warming greenhouse gas pollution. That’s right, it’s eco-friendly, too!

As next steps, the House and Senate will try to negotiate some sort of compromise between this bill and similar legislation that passed the House last year. If it passes, it would be the first time since 2007 that a significant energy bill reached the White House!

Analysts note that these two pieces of legislation are incredibly complementary and together could greatly incentivize and broaden the range of energy efficiency and renewable energy throughout the country. We’ll be waiting with baited breath to see what happens next!

Click below to learn more about these important pieces of legislation!

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Eco-Friendly Grilling: Should You Choose Gas or Charcoal? Wed, 11 May 2016 08:00:23 +0000 For many, the word “summer” conjures images of firing up the grill and enjoying some good weather with friends and family. Did you know that this beloved past time is also a good way to cut down on your home’s energy costs? Choosing to grill outside can keep you from using your stove, and keeping...

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For many, the word “summer” conjures images of firing up the grill and enjoying some good weather with friends and family. Did you know that this beloved past time is also a good way to cut down on your home’s energy costs? Choosing to grill outside can keep you from using your stove, and keeping your stove off can save you a lot of money. What’s more, it will put less of a burden on your air conditioner and HVAC system!

But while grilling is clearly energy efficient, is it eco-friendly?

Is grilling better for the environment than cooking inside with your oven?

The answer depends on where your energy is coming from. And for your grill, it depends on what type of fuel source you are using.

A grill running on natural gas is the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly way to barbecue—it is even better for the environment than using electricity!

The one exception, of course, is electricity from renewable energy sources. You can’t beat zero emissions!

What’s the best grill option?

Beyond being eco-friendly, your ideal grill should also be reasonably priced, as well as easy to find and operate. Therefore, the easy answer to this question is still natural gas grills: they are widely available, easy to use, and incredibly eco-friendly.

In terms of availability, ease of use, and price, the only real competitor to the natural gas grill is the tried and true charcoal briquette grill. However, since we’re trying to measure eco-friendliness, the charcoal grill ultimately falls flat.

Both grills certainly have their fair share of pollutants, but charcoal also has some nasty volatile organic compounds and particulate matter such as byproducts that will pollute the air around the grill. These emissions can lead to health problems if inhaled, and they can even damage the ozone!

Cleaner alternatives?

There are also a few alternatives to gas and charcoal grills that offer varying levels of energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Pellet grills, for example, run on compressed wood nuggets and burn more efficiently and cleaner than charcoal grills. The catch, though, is that they require a small amount of electricity to operate.

There are also renewable energy grills that can cut your emissions down to zero! The GoSun Stove is the perfect example: it collects solar energy from the sun and stores it in an internal battery that can be used at a later date. The one downside to this brilliant design: it doesn’t have a flat, wide surface like conventional grills and is therefore not the best option for getting that char on a hot dog or burger. But you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that you’re helping the environment!

Have you bought your seasonal grilling supplies yet? If not, make your next purchase through our Star Energy Rewards app and receive cashback!

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Swimming Pool vs. Air Conditioner: What’s Your Best Bet For Staying Cool and Energy Efficient? Wed, 04 May 2016 08:00:30 +0000 Summer is almost here! The temperature is going to rise, and you’re going to desperately want to stay cool. But you don’t want to waste too much money on energy costs…so what should you do? Two of the most common ways that people stay cool during the summer are jumping in the pool or by...

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Summer is almost here! The temperature is going to rise, and you’re going to desperately want to stay cool. But you don’t want to waste too much money on energy costs…so what should you do?

Two of the most common ways that people stay cool during the summer are jumping in the pool or by relaxing inside and enjoying the air conditioning. These are both great options, each of which has their pros and cons…but which is more energy efficient?

Swimming Pool

When it comes to strictly electricity costs, the vast majority of your pool’s energy costs come from operating the pump. A fairly conservative estimate for your pool pump’s energy requirements puts the cost at $240 per year, or roughly $20 per month. While this number is competitive with air conditioners just by itself, there are many ways to increase the energy efficiency of your pool pump and make this cost even more affordable!

Realistically speaking, the other costs associated with properly maintaining a pool year round can drive the overall price tag of pool ownership up quite a bit. However, if you have both an air conditioner and a pool, your best bet for energy savings is to keep that air conditioner off as much as you can and use your pool instead!

Air Conditioner

The amount of energy that your air conditioner consumes depends on a few factors: what kind of model you have (measured in British Thermal Units or BTUs), how often you turn your air conditioner on, and what settings you’re using.

As a starting point for our calculations, let’s assume that you have a 6,000 BTU air conditioner, which can cool a room of up to 260 square feet. This air conditioner would cost roughly $73 per month at an average electricity rate if it were running constantly, or $36 per month only running for 12 hours per day—a much more reasonable figure. Assuming that you will be cooling more than one room of your house—and that your rooms will be bigger than 260 square feet—the costs will likely be much higher.

That said, air conditioners are much cheaper than owning and operating a pool. What’s more, swimming pools aren’t an option for homeowners with limited yard space, renters without permission to install a pool, or apartment dwellers.

Even though a swimming pool uses less electricity by and large, don’t discount the convenience and availability of air conditioners!

Thinking of buying an energy efficient pool pump or a new air conditioner? Make your purchase with the Star Energy Rewards app to receive cashback on your purchase!

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Clean Up The Smart Way: Save Money While Doing Household Chores Wed, 27 Apr 2016 08:00:17 +0000 It’s officially spring cleaning season, and you know what that means: lots and lots of chores. While you’re busting your hump and spending a lot of physical energy to clean up your home in preparation for spring and summer, don’t forget about your electrical energy needs as well! With these great tips, you can keep...

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It’s officially spring cleaning season, and you know what that means: lots and lots of chores. While you’re busting your hump and spending a lot of physical energy to clean up your home in preparation for spring and summer, don’t forget about your electrical energy needs as well!

With these great tips, you can keep your energy costs down while you go about those chores around your home.


  • When doing your laundry, try to dry your clothes outside. Also, run your washer with cold water whenever your load will allow it.
  • Instead of running your vacuum cleaner, attempt to use a carpet sweeper on your carpeted areas and a broom on your hard surfaces. Since they are manually powered, it won’t cost you a dime!
  • Adjust your habits to naturally consume less energy. For example, cook simplistic dishes in your kitchen (thereby reducing the amount of dishes you have to clean), or create less laundry by re-wearing clothing that’s not dirty. According to the American Cleaning Institute, jeans can be worn three times before washing! 

Reduce Cost of Chores

  • Cut your own grass instead of hiring a landscaping company. This will save you a lot of money in the long run, though it will require an initial investment. If you choose this route, be sure you’re using an energy efficient lawnmower!
  • Ditch the carwash and wash your own car at home. This will provide you with the opportunity to implement water-saving techniques and to ensure that you are using environmentally friendly products on your car. Plus—no fumbling around with quarters!
  • Performing general housing maintenance like changing your furnace filter and fixing leaky faucets and running toilets can absolutely save you a lot of money. While you’re at it, consider making some energy efficiency upgrades to save on your energy bills in the future.

Check out the rest of our Bright Insights blog for more information on renewable energy and energy efficiency advice!

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Don’t Throw Your Money Out the Window: The Case For Insulated Windows Wed, 20 Apr 2016 15:23:28 +0000 Windows are like the face of your home: they provide your house with light, warmth, and ventilation. Yet they can also have a negative impact on your home’s energy efficiency. Luckily, you can reduce those costs by purchasing energy-efficient insulated windows! What are Insulated Windows? Insulated windows are reinforced in one way or another to...

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Windows are like the face of your home: they provide your house with light, warmth, and ventilation. Yet they can also have a negative impact on your home’s energy efficiency. Luckily, you can reduce those costs by purchasing energy-efficient insulated windows!

What are Insulated Windows?

Insulated windows are reinforced in one way or another to keep the elements outside, making it much easier to regulate the temperature in your home.

There are many different varieties of insulated windows, including:

  • Double-glazing: These windows use two different thicknesses of glass that are separated by a pocket of air in between to naturally improve insulation. In the past, double-glazed windows would result in condensation between the panes, but this is now quite uncommon.
  • Triple glazing: Triple glazing follows the same principles as double-glazing, except it utilizes an additional pane of glass in the middle. This type of window is more popular in northern regions where proper insulation is a must!
  • Low-E glass: This is a clear coating that is applied to one side of the glass in dual-pane windows. The E in Low-E stands for emissivity, the measurement of a surface’s ability to absorb or reflect radiant energy. The lower your emissivity score, the better your window will be at insulating heat loss.
  • Argon gas fill: Another top-tier option is to have argon gas installed between two panes of glass. This provides the same isolative properties without obstructing your view of the great outdoors!

Why Should You Invest in Insulated Windows?

Insulated windows save you money largely by following one simple principle: temperature control. Any form of insulation in your home will help to keep the elements outside, and creates a more controlled environment inside. This is important because it makes it much easier to manipulate the temperature in your home without having to spend a lot of energy.

For more specifics on how temperature control from insulated windows can save you money, check out this post from Ways2GoGreen Blog!


Want some further reading? Click here to learn more about insulation and energy efficient windows for your home!

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Make Your Home Office Work For You With These Energy Efficiency Tips! Wed, 20 Apr 2016 08:00:10 +0000 Increasing your energy efficiency in the workplace is a great way to save energy—after all, you do spend at least eight hours a day there! But what if you work from home, instead of in an office? Luckily, it is even easier to make energy efficiency upgrades in your home office—plus the savings get passed...

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Increasing your energy efficiency in the workplace is a great way to save energy—after all, you do spend at least eight hours a day there! But what if you work from home, instead of in an office? Luckily, it is even easier to make energy efficiency upgrades in your home office—plus the savings get passed right on to you!

The Joys of Telecommuting

It’s important to note that just the simple commitment to telecommuting to work can save you a lot of money by itself. These savings come from not having to pay for gas and maintenance on your vehicle each day, which can slowly add up to big savings and keep your personal carbon footprint down. Here are just a few reasons why telecommuting is great for your wallet and the environment:

  • 2 million telecommuters in the US save approximately 10 million barrels of oil just by nixing their daily commute (often an average of 35 miles round-trip.)
  • One study found that the average American spends 4% of their annual budget (an average of $2,900 per person) on their commute. Just imagine what you could do with an extra $3,000 a year in your wallet!

Other Ways to Increase Energy Efficiency

  • Embrace digital technology and go paperless! By telecommuting you’ll already be using your computer, so try to consolidate everything you can to the digital realm instead of using paper. Think bill statements, regular correspondences, and especially personal note-taking!
  • Take advantage of natural light to cut down on your lighting costs. Not only will this keep you from wasting energy by keeping your lights on all day, but relying on natural light will organically keep you from overworking yourself and burning the midnight oil. Remember: work-life balance is important, too!
  • Power down your workstation once you are done for the day. You’ll save energy by keeping it off during non-business hours and it’ll keep you from being tempted to do extra work or check email in the evenings.
  • If reasonably possible, adjust your computer’s settings and run it in low power mode. Try to consume as little energy as possible with your home workstation.

If you’re feeling inspired to upgrade your home office, then you should consider buying your supplies with the Star Energy Rewards app to earn lots of cashback on your purchases!

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