Renewable Energy Mon, 24 Aug 2020 18:38:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Take Advantage Of Solar Energy Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:05:33 +0000 Utilizing Solar Energy You want the world to be a better place for your children and your children’s children. So how do you go about making changes in order to ensure that it will be? There are only so many things you can do, but you know it would be a good start to change...

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Utilizing Solar Energy

You want the world to be a better place for your children and your children’s children. So how do you go about making changes in order to ensure that it will be? There are only so many things you can do, but you know it would be a good start to change the way you use energy. There’s so much waste and, in reality, only so much energy to go around. You’ve heard that solar energy is the energy source of the future and you can get behind that. After all, the sun is bright and hot and always around. It’s not going to run out of energy anytime soon and it makes sense to use its energy to power things. But how do you take advantage of that? Here are a few ideas.

Start Small With Solar Energy

You might want to test out how solar energy works by using it in small ways. First, get some solar powered landscape lights and other small items that can help you get used to how solar power works. You’ll see that those lights glow on a nightly basis from the sun’s power that they stored during the day and you’ll realize that solar power can work well in other areas.

Go Big With Solar Panels

You can also do your research and go all out with solar panels on your roof. They’re costly to install, but they cost a lot less now than they did in the past. Plus, they’ll pay you back over the years in energy savings. If you really want to make an impact and you have the money to do so, solar panels are a great way to take advantage of the solar energy beating down on your house.

Get In Touch With A Clean Energy Provider

If you go with solar panels yourself, more power to you (literally, in some ways!) but not every homeowner has the funds or inclination to go that route. If you want something easier, but you still want solar power, it’s best to contact a clean energy provider for help. Your clean energy provider will harness solar power for you (along with wind energy and other renewable sources) and add it to the grid. You can then use energy as needed and know that it comes from the sun and other clean sources.

Solar Energy Is The Future

With natural resources dwindling, it makes sense for more people to jump over to solar power. It definitely has enough power to go around and it doesn’t cause harmful gases and pollution to be released into the atmosphere. You may as well jump on board early with Star Energy Partners. You’ll not only have peace of mind about where your energy comes from, but you’ll also pay a fixed rate, which is lower than what your bills are now. We can even call your current company for you and get you switched over with ease.

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How To Save Even More With Your Renewable Energy Provider Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:00:53 +0000 Already Partnered With A Renewable Energy Provider? Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Further With These Tips If you want to keep your energy costs as low as possible, perhaps you’ve already signed up with Star Energy Partners to get renewable energy for your home. That’s a great start to becoming green! However, there are numerous ways...

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Already Partnered With A Renewable Energy Provider? Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Further With These Tips

If you want to keep your energy costs as low as possible, perhaps you’ve already signed up with Star Energy Partners to get renewable energy for your home. That’s a great start to becoming green! However, there are numerous ways you can reduce your carbon footprint even further and take your energy costs down as well. Some of them are techniques that don’t even take much installation or construction to utilize. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

1. Install A Rainwater Harvesting System

Whenever it rains, the water that falls on the ground can be wasted. Getting a rain collector system is simple and can connect to your cutters or other networks to store rainwater in a barrel for non-potable uses. You could flush the toilets with it, water plants, or irrigate. The systems are inexpensive and can save you money on your water bills.

2. Replace HVAC With Energy Star Systems

When the time comes to replace your HVAC system with something new, you will want to get something that is Energy Star Certified. Your energy costs will go down and you will use less energy than ever before with an efficient model that can heat and cool your home.

3. Insulate The Attic Or Other Areas

You lose quite a bit of energy if you don’t have enough insulation. Add some insulation in the attic and you’ll have a great return on your investment in energy savings. It can cost a bit to get it done, but you’ll get your money back over the years you spend in your home.

4. Grab An Energy Monitor

Decrease your energy consumption by simply being aware of what you use. Household energy monitors are easy to use and inexpensive to install. You can see a minute-by-minute presentation of the energy you are using. You can use energy less by taking a look at the device and keeping track.

5. Utilize Smart Power Strips

Get a simple and elegant solution to a major energy problem when you get smart power strips. There are tons of energy vampires in your house that suck things down and use energy you don’t need. Instead of letting things like TVs and other appliances drain energy for no reason, you can turn the power strip off and stop them before they start sucking.

Get More Details From Your Renewable Energy Provider

The best thing you can do to help your whole house at once is to sign up for energy from Star Energy Partners. Your renewable energy provider can help you come up with more ideas on how you can save energy and take your home to another level of green living. Give us a call and we’ll go over your goals and come up with details on how you can make changes. We’ll also contact your current provider for you so you don’t have to worry about making any extra phone calls or arrangements.


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What Happens When You Switch To A Clean Energy Provider Wed, 14 Feb 2018 20:04:04 +0000 Clean Energy Provider Options Do More Than You Think If you are thinking about ways you can go green in your home, you may pinpoint the energy you use. You want to use less of it all around and that’s a good place to start. But once you reduce, you may wonder what else you...

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Clean Energy Provider Options Do More Than You Think

If you are thinking about ways you can go green in your home, you may pinpoint the energy you use. You want to use less of it all around and that’s a good place to start. But once you reduce, you may wonder what else you can do to “go green.” One of the best options is to switch from your regular energy provider to a clean energy provider. What will happen next? Take a look and see!

You Get Fixed Rates And Clean Energy

When you go with a clean energy provider, you no longer have to worry about fluctuating rates. Gas and electricity prices go up and down all the time so your bills can vary. But when you use a clean energy provider, you’ll get a fixed energy rate and that will remain the same. The wind, sun, and other power that creates clean energy are always there and they don’t run out. That helps keeps the rates steady.

You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Anything you can do to reduce your impact on the environment is a good thing. Perhaps you started by changing to light bulbs that last longer and use less energy in the meantime. Then, you turned your water heater down a bit so the water doesn’t have to get as hot and waste energy. You definitely recycle and you reuse what you can as well. What else can you do? Switch to a clean energy provider. That way, you don’t have to feel guilty about the energy you use because it comes from clean, renewable resources and doesn’t use things that will run out. You aren’t contributing to emissions into the air either, all of which makes your footprint smaller.

You Save Money On Your Bills With A Clean Energy Provider

While it might not be your first goals (at least not that you are going to admit!) it’s always a benefit to be able to lower your bills. When you think about clean energy, you might assume that it’s going to be more expensive. After all, solar powers and wind turbines cost a lot to install, right? But with a clean energy provider, you don’t need the actual tools to create the energy. You just have to partner with the company. They’ll make the energy and pass it along to you. And it costs much less than when it comes from your standard company.

The Clean Energy Provider Will Do The Legwork

Star Energy Partners is a clean energy provider that believes in what they do so much that they’ll even do the work for you to get you switched over. All you have to do is contact them and make the decision. They can then go to your current power company and get you switched over without interruption. There are no extra phone calls and hassles for you, just renewable energy coming your way shortly, along with all of its benefits and advantages!

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Wind Energy: Sustainable And Beautiful Sat, 10 Feb 2018 23:57:16 +0000 Using Wind Energy To Bring A Brighter Future People have been tapping into the power of the wind for thousands of year with the invention of windmills and even sailboats. Without using the wind, there wouldn’t be a history of ocean explorers in our past. The Earth is heating because of the burning of fossil...

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Using Wind Energy To Bring A Brighter Future

People have been tapping into the power of the wind for thousands of year with the invention of windmills and even sailboats. Without using the wind, there wouldn’t be a history of ocean explorers in our past. The Earth is heating because of the burning of fossil fuels and people are starting to look into other means of powering things. Wind is a form of energy that is caused by uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun. Wind energy doesn’t create toxic emissions like fossil fuels do and it is a clean power source. Like any clean power source, it has its advantages and can be truly beautiful as well as sustainable.

Wind Formation Is Au Naturale

When you blow out your birthday candles, you are using your own wind that you’ve produced naturally in your body. The Earth has a way of creating wind as well. It is formed by large currents in the Earth’s atmosphere, powered by the sun’s heat energy. As long as the sun is shining, there will be wind available to harness. The surface of the Earth has water and land and when the sun shines, the air on the surface heats up fast. Heated air is lighter and rises. When night falls, the opposite happens. This series of movements create wind and harbors plenty of kinetic energy.

The Renewable Energy Source In Wind Energy

Since wind is something that occurs naturally and constantly occurs on a regular basis, it replenishes itself in a natural way. Wind won’t run out and scientists believe the sun will shine for 6-7 billion years. Wind energy is renewable and doesn’t emit greenhouse gases which pollute the air or water.

The Eventuality of Eco-Friendly Options

Wind energy takes some production to harness. You have to manufacture, transport and install wind turbines in the first place. However, once the turbines are in place, they create clean energy, which makes up for the reaction of the turbines originally.

Low Operating Costs Translate To Savings

Making wind power requires capital up front, but once the turbines are installed, the cost of running them is very low. They take routine maintenance to ensure that they operate seamlessly, but their durability ensures that they will be around for a long time. Those cost savings can be translated over to customers who use wind energy to get the power they need.

Landscape Beauty With Wind Energy

When you look out over a farmland, it might look flat and boring to you. But add some wind turbines into the mix and there’s an element of beauty. And even better, the land around the turbines is still very useful. Cattle can still graze right up to the base of the turbines. The land around the turbines can still be farmed as well. They don’t waste space and give so much to the clean energy race, including a little beauty to the overall landscape around them.

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How You Can Slow Climate Change With Green Energy Sun, 28 Jan 2018 00:51:15 +0000 The Future With Green Energy Everyone lives on the planet so that makes it everyone’s responsibility to care for it. While some people do a better job than others, we all need to make our homes and businesses better for the planet to survive longer. A little bit can go a long way and it’s...

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The Future With Green Energy

Everyone lives on the planet so that makes it everyone’s responsibility to care for it. While some people do a better job than others, we all need to make our homes and businesses better for the planet to survive longer. A little bit can go a long way and it’s important to start changing the effects global warming has on the planet. Global warming has been proven when comparing current and projected future temperatures of the Earth’s core to past temperatures. The temperatures were consistent throughout history until 50 years ago. Since that time, temperatures have steadily risen. Here are a few things you can do with green energy in order to slow global warming.

Recycle, Reuse, And Reduce

You know the value of recycling. There are plenty of benefits to recycling and you want to do as much of it as possible. You should also upcycle as much as you can. That means shopping in thrift stores, using old pallets to make furniture, and using other older things instead of buying brand new materials. As the demand for raw materials lessens, the stress on the environment will be reduced as well.

High-Rise Buildings Can Benefit From Wind Energy

You may have seen wind turbines in fields, also known as wind farms, but imagine an office building with a turbine on top. High up, wind becomes a lot stronger and a wind-powered office building can help preserve natural resources. Wind energy produces electricity and is usually more than a normal building needs. The wind is almost always blowing and the renewable energy is easy to get.

Green Energy Homes

There are plenty of other fuel sources other than resources that pollute the environment. Instead of continuing with your current utility company, it makes sense to get green energy into your home. You can use solar power through panels, wind energy with turbines, or you can take an even easier route and get a green energy provider. Then, all you have to do is make a call and they’ll switch you over to green energy sources for a low, fixed rate.

Get Yourself Started

There are plenty of ways you can utilize green energy in your own life. The biggest thing you can do is to go with green energy in your home. That’s simple enough when you call Star Energy Partners. They will even take care of contacting your old utility company to get you switched over. But there are other ways you can use solar power as well. Consider getting a car that uses solar power in order to stop burning so many fossil fuels. Get a solar powered charger to charge up your devices. Consider solar-powered lights outside your house and get your hands on other solar powered items. It’s never too late to start making a difference and every little bit helps. We’re all in charge of the future of the earth and solar energy is going to be a big part of that future.


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What Solar Power Can Contribute To Society Sat, 20 Jan 2018 04:34:16 +0000 The Amazing Nature Of Solar Power You know that solar power can light your landscaping with the little lights you have placed out front, but can it really do as much as people say? If you have a roof full of solar panels, you might understand how it could power a house, too. Solar power...

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The Amazing Nature Of Solar Power

You know that solar power can light your landscaping with the little lights you have placed out front, but can it really do as much as people say? If you have a roof full of solar panels, you might understand how it could power a house, too. Solar power actually has plenty of applications beyond just lowering electricity bills. Some of them are obvious while others are more hidden. But there are a lot of uses for solar power and your solar energy provider is just beginning to tap into those resources.

Flying On Solar Energy

There has only been one documented, solar-powered flight over any large distance, but it’s a start. Whether it’s commercial solar planes or a private aircraft, there’s a future in utilizing solar power.

Solar-Powerful Stadiums

Taiwan has a stadium called, “Dragon Stadium” because it’s shaped like a dragon with spiraled scales made of solar panels. The stadium itself has a capacity of 55,000 and has enough panels to power the entire stadium with the electricity it needs.

Cook Meals On Everest

Not just anyone wants to climb Mount Everest. But it’s nice to know that if you ever get up that high, you can use a solar source of fuel to cook items so they aren’t frozen like everything else around you.

Drinkable Seawater

You know you aren’t supposed to drink seawater, but solar power can change seawater into something you can drink. This could help countries with water shortage issues in the future.

Power Villages In Need

Small-scale solar energy can do quite a bit for rural villages, like those in Africa. Giving power to a village in Kenya improves health and presents more employment opportunities.

Gateway To Opportunities

There are billions of people without electricity across the world. That decreases the quality of life overall, but it also has an impact on health care, education, and other areas. Giving solar power to areas that don’t have it would mean giving more opportunities to those in need.

Sun-Powered Lawn Mower

While this might not change lives as quickly, solar powered automatic lawn mowers have hit the market and are an innovative concept. Although they cost thousands of dollars now, they are paving the way to what solar power can do in the future.

Working With A Solar Energy Provider

You might not be worried about cooking meals on Mount Everest, but you want to power your home with a solar energy provider. While some of these items are futuristic, powering your home with a solar energy provider can happen right now. Just contact Star Energy Partners and get all the details you need about receiving clean energy. You don’t have to put solar panels on your house or anything. Star Energy Partners will take care of collecting the energy you need and will simply transfer it along to you at a low, fixed rate.

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Why Clean Energy Is Better For You And The Environment Wed, 10 Jan 2018 04:12:32 +0000 How To Benefit From Clean Energy Most of the electricity in the U.S. is made from polluting, nonrenewable resources like coal. Making electricity is the biggest, industrial cause of pollution and creates more carbon dioxide than anything else. But we need electricity in order to function in our everyday lives. The good news is there...

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How To Benefit From Clean Energy

Most of the electricity in the U.S. is made from polluting, nonrenewable resources like coal. Making electricity is the biggest, industrial cause of pollution and creates more carbon dioxide than anything else. But we need electricity in order to function in our everyday lives. The good news is there are clean energy options that are 100% pollutant free. Renewable energy sources naturally replenish and are inexhaustible. When you think about getting energy from natural resources like the wind, sun, and water, it doesn’t seem like there could be a better way to go.

The Inner Workings Of Clean Energy

An electric grid is kind of like a bathtub. When you use a little bit of the energy, it’s like draining a little water from the tub. But water, from either clean or dirty sources, can be placed in the tub. As demand for renewable energy sources increases, more of the clean water and less of the dirty water will go into the tub in order to keep the tub at a filled level. But which would you rather bathe in?

Environmental Benefits

Before you think about anything else, renewable energy impacts the environment in a positive way. Generating electricity using renewable resources has great impacts on the environment. First, it doesn’t emit carbon dioxide or other pollutants into the air, water, or soil. Nor does it damage the land due to fossil fuel extraction. It comes from unlimited resources that are constantly replenished, such as the sun and the wind. And there are many forms of renewable energy that use little to no water. You can help preserve and protect the environment for future generations by using renewable energy.

Economic Benefits

There are also plenty of monetary ways that renewable energy will benefit you and the world around you. Creating more energy in this manner also creates new jobs to collect and maintain the sources that make the energy. It also supports a homegrown energy source to help secure the country’s future, filled with its own energy sources. And it brings development to rural areas, where many of the renewable facilities are situated because of the space and resource potential.

Do Your Part, Invest In Clean Energy

You can’t build a wind turbine in your backyard by yourself and you might not have the money to install a roof full of solar panels. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take part in adding renewable energy to your electric grid. Instead of thinking you can’t do anything, contact Star Energy Partners and find out just what you can do. When you become a partner with Star Energy, you get your energy from renewable energy sources. We can deal with your current utility company for you and get you switched over without any hassle on your part. You hardly have to do a thing and you get clean energy that will be brought to you at a low, fixed rate.


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Using Solar Energy In The Wintertime Thu, 28 Dec 2017 04:14:14 +0000 The Benefits Of Solar Energy Solar energy has become one of the most popular forms of alternative energy many people now have access to. Even if you can’t install solar panels on your own house, many utility companies and energy grids are turning to solar energy as an extra option for their customers. This kind...

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The Benefits Of Solar Energy

Solar energy has become one of the most popular forms of alternative energy many people now have access to. Even if you can’t install solar panels on your own house, many utility companies and energy grids are turning to solar energy as an extra option for their customers. This kind of energy is cleaner, more effective, and can save you money throughout the year compared to traditional gas and fossil fuel alternatives. Unfortunately, it’s a common myth that solar energy loses power during winter. When the sun is out less or there’s snow on the ground, it’s only logical that solar energy efficiency will decrease, right? In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Solar Output In The Winter

Yes, the sun is out less during the winter months. The days are shorter, there’s plenty of snow on the ground in most regions, and it’s usually cloudier on a daily basis. Despite all of this, solar panels can actually work more efficiently in colder temperatures. Heat can affect the internal workings of a solar panel to the point where it is less effective at converting solar energy into power for batteries around the home. These kinds of panels are designed to survive in freezing temperatures, so they aren’t at risk of malfunctioning or breaking down when it gets cold outside. Instead, they are in an environment where the solar energy conversion process is more effective, meaning you will see a higher energy output and a lower utility bill during the season.

The Effects Of Snow

A little bit of snow on the ground, or even on the solar panel, won’t drastically affect the energy output of the device. In fact, since snow reflects a lot of sunlight, it can increase the output by directing more sunlight to the panel. The only time snow will affect the solar panel is if there is a lot of buildup on the panel itself. During blizzards, for example, it isn’t uncommon for several inches to a foot of snow to build up on the panel. When this happens, you can easily clean the snow off using a special tool. These panels will be regularly cleaned by a professional, keeping them free from obstructions throughout the year.

Cloud Cover

The true benefit of solar energy is the fact that you don’t need direct sunlight to have power. While direct sunlight creates the most optimal conditions for the solar panel, all it needs is any kind of light to work. In other words, as long as you can see outside, the solar panel is doing its job. Many people hooked up to solar electric grids barely even notice a difference in the overall energy output during the winter months. Efficient batteries and other alternative energies can supplement the decrease in energy production so you won’t see any noticeable effects when the weather isn’t perfect.

Hooking Up To Solar Energy Today

These days, it’s easier than ever to get the benefits of solar energy without installing a single panel. With more utility companies turning to solar energy as an option to offer their customers, all you have to do is contact the experts to see what options you have nearby. If you live in Texas and are looking to explore the possibilities of solar energy, check out our website or get in touch with all the information you need for our services. We can walk you through the process of taking advantage of solar energy regardless of the time of year.

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Energy Saving Tips From A Renewable Energy Provider Wed, 20 Dec 2017 04:11:57 +0000 Save Energy This Winter With This Guide When winter hits, you might hunker down inside more than you do during the summer months. Whether you have to endure a cold winter or not, you could see electricity prices rise due to your increased use of heat, lights, and other elements. The HVAC system is often...

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Save Energy This Winter With This Guide

When winter hits, you might hunker down inside more than you do during the summer months. Whether you have to endure a cold winter or not, you could see electricity prices rise due to your increased use of heat, lights, and other elements. The HVAC system is often one of the largest reasons your prices rise in the winter. But just because it’s cold, you shouldn’t have to pay obscene amounts of money to remain comfortable in your home. In order to reduce the amount of money, you have to spend on energy this winter, use these tips.

Tip 1: Turn Down The Water Heater

Hot showers always feel good in the winter, but you don’t have to scald yourself on a daily basis to warm up. Turn the water heater down to 120 degrees where you can still get the comfortable water you want without creating more energy use.

Tip 2: Turn The Thermostat Down

Instead of turning the heat up and on anytime you feel a chill, grab a sweater or start a fire. You don’t have to have the heat up to 70 degrees at all times. Make sure you turn the heat down when you are going to be away at the office or out of town for the weekend as well. That will all add up to big energy savings.

Tip 3: Cook Lots At Once

If you love to cook, make sure you cook plenty of extra meals when you are working on dinner. You don’t need to warm the oven up every day to make healthy meals. Create extra dishes and utilize leftovers here and there. You can save energy when you aren’t using the oven as much.

Tip 4: Look Into A Renewable Energy Provider

When you choose a renewable energy provider, like Star Energy Partners, you get a fixed rate plan that allows you to know what your bills are going to be every month, even throughout the winter. Plus, you get 100% renewable energy, which means you won’t be using sources that can’t be replaced. Instead, you’ll be using solar and wind power that the renewable energy provider transfers over to you when you need the energy.

Contact The Renewable Energy Provider

You can save energy in your home, even during the winter months. It’s as simple as taking a few conscious steps in the right direction. Eventually, the changes will become habits and you won’t even notice them anymore. If you are ready to go with a renewable energy provider, contact Star Energy Partners for a free estimate. We can even call your current utility company and get you switched over so it’s as simple and easy as possible on you.

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Three Myths About Wind Energy Sun, 10 Dec 2017 21:21:52 +0000 Finding Out The Truth About Wind Energy Ready to say goodbye to your regular source of energy in order for something cleaner and greener? There are plenty of options on the market. Sure, you can install solar panels or a wind turbine around your house, or you can go the easier route and hire a...

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Finding Out The Truth About Wind Energy

Ready to say goodbye to your regular source of energy in order for something cleaner and greener? There are plenty of options on the market. Sure, you can install solar panels or a wind turbine around your house, or you can go the easier route and hire a renewable energy company. But as you look into the options, you might see a lot of things about wind energy that just isn’t true. Here are some myths regarding the clean energy source:

Myth #1: Wind Is Cheap

No one owns the wind, right? So we can take advantage of it for free and it costs less in the long run. If you want a large-scale wind turbine, they can cost millions to put up and the wind isn’t always in motion to help pay back the costs. But if you hire a clean energy provider, you don’t have to worry about wind turbine costs. Instead, you pay a regular rate for your energy, created by the wind and distributed by your provider.

Myth #2: Wind Turbines Are Loud

If you drive through a wind farm, you might think you would be overwhelmed by the sheer noise of the large turbines spinning in the wind, but that’s not the case. Wind turbines used to be loud, but new designs are very quiet. The rotors turn slowly and are mounted on the front of the tower to reduce the noises they have made in the past.

Myth #3: Houses Can Own Wind Turbines

While you are able to do what you want with your property, unless you have a good chunk of land and a lot of money, you won’t want a wind turbine. You have to place them just right so they aren’t too close to buildings or trees, otherwise, the wind power won’t be picked up.

Contact Star Energy Partners

If you want to utilize wind energy now that you know the facts about the clean energy source, Star Energy Partners can help. We’ll capture the wind and transfer its energy along to you. Give us a call for a free estimate on our clean energy services and you can switch over from your utility company in no time. We’ll even make the calls and coordinate the process for you.

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