The Great Transition Mon, 24 Aug 2020 18:38:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Surprising Realities From The Great Transition Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:32:48 +0000 The energy industry is in a time of great change. The entire globe is slowly transitioning to renewable energy, a great thing for the environment. This global transition is explored in the book The Great Transition. It is an inspiring and informative read about renewable energy in the world today. What is The Great Transition?...

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The energy industry is in a time of great change. The entire globe is slowly transitioning to renewable energy, a great thing for the environment. This global transition is explored in the book The Great Transition. It is an inspiring and informative read about renewable energy in the world today.

What is The Great Transition?

The Great Transition, by Lester Brown, Janet Larsen, Matt Roney, and Emily Adams, discusses climate change, climate instability, and the future of coal with the new world energy economy emerging in support of renewable energy. The Great Transition details the accelerating pace of the global renewable energy revolution and contains a lot of great information about the current state of the renewable energy industry. This is an inspiring read for anyone interested in renewable energy! 

What are some of The Great Transition’s insights?

  • Solar is becoming cheaper, and global adoption of solar technology appears to be inevitable. The price of solar photovoltaic panels decreased 99 percent over the last four decades, from $74/watt in 1972 to less than 70 cents/watt in 2014.
  • Wind power adoption is rapidly altering energy portfolios around the world. Wind energy provides 12 percent of the electricity produced in nine U.S. states, with Iowa and South Dakota each generating more than 25 percent of their own electricity with wind energy! In addition, capacity is increasing more than 20 percent every year.
  • National and subnational energy policies are promoting renewable energy, with many people also considering the effect of carbon emissions on the environment.
  • The financial sector is starting to favor renewable energy over fossil fuels and nuclear power.
  • S. coal use is in decline and will likely fall on a global scale sooner than we might have imagined. U.S. coal use dropped 21 percent between 2007 and 2014.

Ideally, all of these factors together will result in a future everyone embraces renewable energy. Given enough time, we might be able to secure our energy needs for the foreseeable future and help save the environment from global warming!

You can learn more about the book or purchase it on Amazon by clicking here.

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