How to Save Money on Electricity with Outdoor Safety Tips

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you’ll want to stay cautious around electric lines to avoid the risk of an accident. While electric utility suppliers are constantly evolving to provide safer, cleaner, and more efficient electricity generation, it’s still important to understand what is safe and what is not.

Read up on these outdoor safety tips to eliminate your risk for a potential accident and possibly save money on electricity:

  1. Treat downed power lines as if they were live. If you see a downed power line, be sure to call the police department, fire department, or local electric company as soon as possible.
  2. Use dry wood or fiberglass ladders instead of metal. You’ll also want to keep your ladders and tools at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines. These power lines aren’t insulated like normal electric cords, so avoid touching them.
  3. Don’t trim trees or shrubs that grow near power lines. If you’re unsure, contact your electricity provider to have a professional trim them.
  4. Avoid using electric tools in wet conditions. It could lower your risk of electric shock.
  5. Do not fly kites or use other flying toys around power lines. If such a toy does become tangled in these cords, contact your local electricity supplier for assistance.

Staying smart when working and playing outdoors can significantly reduce your risk of an electric-related accident. For more tips on energy efficiency and ideas on how to save money on electricity, keep reading the Star Energy Partners blog.