How Weatherization can Save You Money on Your Electric Bill

Weatherization is a process of preparing your home for a period of intense weather, usually the coldest winter months of the year (if you live in the northern United States). You can give as much or as little effort as you’d like to the weatherization process, but the more you put into it, the more you’ll eventually get out of it.

Take a look at how these popular weatherization strategies cut your energy consumption and lower your electric bill:

  • Window sealant. Window sealant can be applied both internally and externally, depending on the type of leaks the cracks of your windows show. Use a hair dryer to determine points at which air can pass freely and use a caulking gun to seal those areas up.
  • Weather stripping for doors. Most doors, especially old doors, face the same problem with air leaks that doors do. Install weather stripping to ensure the warm air stays in and the cold air stays out.
  • Window film. If your windows are particularly leaky or if you don’t have the time to invest in sealing the windows with caulk, you can opt for simple plastic insulation that can be easily installed over your existing windows.
  • Duct and heating maintenance. Before you get too deep in the season, perform any regular maintenance on your heating system and air ducts.
  • Micro-insulation. If you really want to go all-out, you can purchase small pieces of insulation for your electrical switches and wall outlets. Plugging up all the small holes can add up to a significant saving.

Put these weatherization practices into place and your home will use energy much more efficiently during periods of extreme weather. The long-term savings on your energy bills are worth the extra effort.