From Edison to Biofuel: The History of Energy in Ohio

Ohio has a storied history of creating revolutionary innovations in the energy industry. From the days of Thomas Edison, all the way up to the present day, Ohio has been a state of energy pioneers who have been hugely successful and have led the nation’s energy industry. Below, we will discuss Ohio’s acclaimed energy history and shed some light on the fantastic achievements history and the present day.

The most famous case is without a doubt The Wizard of Menlo Park, Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio and would revolutionize the world with his many inventions. Most notably, Edison gave the world the light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera.

Another influential person in Ohio’s energy history is Euclid, Ohio, native Charles F. Brush. Brush is most well known for having invented the first electric dynamo. The electric dynamo was one of the first electrical generators capable of wide use in industry. It is the foundation upon which many electric devices were based. The electric motor, alternator, and rotary converter all spawned from the electric dynamo.

Ohio’s tendency to be strong in the areas of energy production and innovation isn’t just something out of history; the innovations continue today.

The “Great Shale Gas Rush” of 2010 provided further diversity to the energy market of Ohio. The rush brought many interested parties to Ohio, seeking shale-rich property. Most notably, in September 2010, Ohio was cited in a joint-venture agreement between Gastar Exploration and Atinum Marcellus, worth approximately $70 million. Additionally, in 2011, driller Chesapeake Energy announced that it would open an office in Canton, Ohio.

Ohio has also become a leader in the alternative energy industry, especially solar energy. Ohio has been ranked #2 nationally for solar energy manufacturing through 2010, with Toledo dubbed the “seat of solar energy.” Currently, Ohio hosts roughly 115 different companies and research institutions focused on developing solar energy.

Ohio is home to many varieties of energy production and innovation. It boasts two nuclear power plants, the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station and the Perry Nuclear Generating Station. Ohio’s coal reserves are the 7th largest in the country, and the state is home to the headquarters of several large companies, including Marathon Petroleum Company and Rolls-Royce Energy Systems Inc.

At Star Energy Partners, we are excited to be a part of Ohio’s famously innovative and prosperous energy industry! Have you heard about our latest addition of REC plans? We’re now offering customers plans that allow them to give back to the environment by choosing to support green energy. Visit our Green Energy page now to learn more about how to give back—it’s easier than you think!