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Save Energy This Summer With A Renewable Energy Provider

Conservation Tips And Tricks From Your Renewable Energy Provider

One of the most important things to remember about your renewable energy provider is that even though they’re giving you access to green energy, you can always look for more ways to save electricity. It’s not enough to simply use renewable energy; you also have to learn to conserve it. Summer is a time of year where a lot of energy gets wasted. Here’s how you can save more energy this summer and make your renewable energy provider proud.

Your Home Doesn’t Have To Be A Fridge

Summertime is hot! But if you’re looking to save a little energy, then you need to set your thermostat as high as is comfortable. One of the biggest ways to waste energy in the summer is by cooling your home too much, so if you can tolerate a house at 75 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, do it. When you’re not at home, you should set it to about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Also make sure you keep your vents uncovered by furniture or any other object.

And while we’re on the topic of air conditioners, it’s also a good idea to have yours serviced going into the summer. You need to clean or replace the filters every month in order to promote more efficient operation of your central air conditioning unit.

Reduce Your Indoor Heat

A great way to keep your home cooler during the day without cranking up the air conditioning is to run big heat-producing appliances at night. Run the dryer or dishwasher after the sun has gone down (or let your dishes air dry!). Also avoid any incandescent lighting you have in your home since it generates heat, and use an outdoor grill, toaster oven, or crockpot instead of your oven during the day. The secondary benefit of using appliances at night is that energy is often cheaper at night since less people are blasting their A/C’s.

Energy Efficiency Around The House

You can make your home cooler and more energy-efficient by keeping your blinds closed during the day and opening them at night. It doesn’t cost a thing to do this but your time, and it’ll help to create a cooler environment in your home. Also, run ceiling fans in place of the A/C whenever possible.

Another great way to save energy around your house is to unplug electronics and appliances when they’re not in use. The DVD player, television, and computer don’t need to stay plugged in all day if not in use! And if you’ve got an old refrigerator in your garage or a chest freezer that you’re not using, don’t bother leaving them on. If you don’t use them, then it’s a huge source of wasted energy in your home.

Saving energy at home this summer isn’t difficult; it just takes a little time and ingenuity to figure out the best ways to do it that work for you. Remember, your renewable energy provider is doing their part to help the environment, so do yours too and keep the world a better and healthier place for future generations!