5 Household Appliances that Consume the Most Energy

Household appliances have become a daily part of US living. However, with the use of household appliances comes a monthly bill, which can get expensive. You can reduce your electric bill by comparing commercial energy prices to find the cheapest electricity supplier, and you can also educate yourself as to which appliances consume the most energy to change your habits and your bill.

  1. Refrigerators. In US households, these are at the top of the list of energy-consuming appliances. Their energy consumption varies depending on model, where the freezer is located, temperature settings, where the refrigerator itself is placed, habits of using the refrigerator, and depending if the refrigerator has any energy-saving modes that are used.
  2. Dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers are a large power consumer because they are a high-wattage appliance usually run all day. So how much energy it consumes varies on time spent running, and its humidity settings.  It’s possible for a dehumidifier to use more energy than your refrigerator.
  3. Water heater. Heated water is used repeatedly throughout many daily tasks, such as showering, cleaning dishes, doing laundry, and washing your hands. The amount of energy spent does change based on factors such as type of size of the water heater, its standard temperature, how long showers last, and whether clothes are washed in cold or hot water.
  4. Air conditioning. Like dehumidifiers, air conditioning is often run for extended periods of time. Like other appliances, its energy consumption varies depending on a few reasons, like type of unit, how long it’s kept running, the capacity, and the efficiency of the unit. Where you live also affects energy consumption as states with cooler seasons would have less use for a cooling system than typically hot and humid states.
  5. Heat. While some can go without air conditioning, a heating system is another matter. Type of heat, gas versus electric, and model efficiency all affect energy consumption. There are also variances if it is a programmable heat temperature, or if the user must manually change the setting every time they want to turn the system up or down.

Becoming aware of which household appliances use the most amount of energy helps you use those items differently, and knowing commercial energy prices can help you find the cheapest electricity supplier. Both options will, in their own way, allow you help reduce your electric bill.