How to Keep Your New House Energy Efficient

New homes tend to be more energy efficient than older homes. Insulation standards are higher, meaning less air can leak out, appliances are newer and far more energy efficient, and windows and doors are better at keeping air from escaping. Your energy efficient home plans will almost guarantee you a lower electric bill than a similar-sized house that was built even a decade ago.

However, if you want to keep your electric bill low—or even lower it—there are a handful of strategies you’ll need to implement in addition to your energy efficient house plans:

  1. Maintain your appliances to keep them running efficiently. Energy efficient appliances need regular upkeep to maintain their level of efficiency. For example, you’ll want to change the filters in your heating and cooling appliances regularly, and keep the inside of your refrigerator clean.
  2. Monitor your energy consumption. Your new home is energy efficient, but that doesn’t mean you can use as much energy as you want without consequence. Keep track of where and how you consume energy, especially in the first few months of your new location. Then, use a program like our ECAP program to find new ways to save on your electric bill with simple habit changes.
  3. Consider switching your electricity provider. Switching to an energy provider like Star Energy Partners could save you money in the long term. Different electricity providers offer different rates, contract terms, and different benefits to their customers. You have the power to choose.

Your energy efficient home plans will be a great service in lowering your electric bill, but take these steps to keep your energy consumption habits in check.