New Year’s Resolution for 2016: Save Energy!

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year’s! During this time of year, there are countless articles going around about what New Year’s resolutions to make. Did you know there’s something you can resolve to do that’s even more important than joining a fitness program or writing the great American novel?

Here some great ideas for New Year’s resolutions that can help you increase the energy efficiency of your home. We hope you enjoy, and have a great 2016!

Have a plan

  • Get an energy audit! This will help you plan out how to increase your home’s energy efficiency. The beginning of the year can be a good time to do things like this so that you can create a plan of attack from the rest of the year.

Change your habits

  • Make an effort to unplug devices you aren’t using. Energy vampires can suck up large amounts of unnecessary electricity!
  • Resolve to take shorter showers. We know, we know, taking a nice warm shower feels great, but those comfortable minutes can add up to big money on your power and water bills. If your head is foggy in the morning, and you can’t trust yourself to keep to your short shower resolution, you can experiment with taking showers in the evening, right before you go to bed.
  • Power down your electronics when they are not in use. This change of habit will also keep away energy vampires. You can also compromise and set up power saving features so that you can avoid booting up your devices each time and still save energy in the process.

Invest in energy efficient devices

  • Resolve to replace all of the light bulbs in your home with LED models. These light bulbs are more energy efficient and last much longer!
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat. Not only can you manually adjust the temperature of your home from afar with a smart thermostat, you can also see some useful insights that can show you how to increase your home’s energy efficiency by adjusting temperatures. Click here to learn more!

Looking for more ways to save energy at home? Check out the rest of our Bright Insights blog for more inspirations.