Solar & Wind Power Being Used

Best Things About Solar Power

What Makes Solar Power So Great?

It’s so easy to stay on the traditional grid, to not care about enormous amount of energy we waste everyday by not using or under-utilizing solar power. Truth is, though, solar power is such a wonderful alternative energy, it is hard to make a case against using it all day long. As long as the sun is out, we can use all of the energy that we can get a hold of, all day long. This means more time to power our televisions, longer warm baths, and more miles driven in solar-electric cars. But those aren’t the only reasons that switching to solar is a great thing for everyone. Solar has so many direct and indirect benefits, the biggest ones can be hard to pin down.

Solar Panels Protect the Environment

Part of the reason that solar panels exist today has to do with the quest for better and more efficient energy consumption. Experiments and observations have been performed since the late 19th century to try to capture the sun as a potential source of heating homes and lighting businesses. The electric grid has long run on fossil fuels, and contributed to global warming because it has been necessary to burn fossil fuels for energy. Not only is this inefficient, but fossil fuels, unlike solar rays, will run out, with experts expecting an energy crises as early as 2050. Solar panels take away your need for fossil fuels at home during the day, when the demand for energy is highest, as we are all normally awake.

Solar Panels Save Money

Perhaps the biggest driver of solar panel sales and rentals in the past couple of decades has been the prospect of lowering the cost of utility bills. With some energy bills running as high as $400 during peak seasons, it’s easy to understand why some would seek relief from such a financial burden. With solar panels, there is not only the prospect for lower electric bills, but also the possibility of federally-backed financial incentives that will contribute positively to your wallet as you contribute positively to the environment.   

Solar Panels Create Jobs

Forget about the great new source of environmentally friendly energy and the tax breaks that could be on their way to you, and think of something more tangible, and close to home: a person who has been out of work for a number of weeks, and is worrying for their future. Now, imagine that you’ve ordered a home solar system, and now a local solar company is in need of some help. The out-of-work person that could be anyone goes for the job, gets it, receives a paid, intensive training, and now they’re on your roof,  providing you with a new energy solution. Solar energy has created an estimated 50,000 jobs in the last ten years alone, and purchasing or renting a solar system for your home is contributing to paid bills, and full tummies. If you think of nothing else when considering the switch to solar, think of all who will benefit because you wanted to save money, and protect the environment.