How Ohio Can Cut Carbon From Its Power Fleet With Renewable Energy

The Clean Power Plan was proposed last summer, and some feared the worst for Ohio’s future. However, according to multiple studies, the Clean Power Plan will be a boon for Ohioans on two fronts. First, it will decrease the amount of carbon emissions generated in the state. Second, it will massage the renewable energy industry in Ohio, creating valuable jobs. In fact, Ohio can cut carbon from its power fleet, both affordably and reliably, using renewable energy sources.

At Star Energy Partners, we think these findings are exciting because we are green energy advocates and because we offer green energy products to many Ohioans.

Studies by the NRDC and the Organization of PJM States report that mounting evidence shows the emissions reduction goals set out in the Clean Power Plan are achievable in Ohio, especially with renewable energy. Analysis from the NRDC found that the average household in Ohio might actually enjoy cheaper energy bills by allowing the state to cut emissions through existing energy efficiency and renewable energy policies.

Also, according to PJM, Ohio will be able to thrive under the Clean Power Plan, so long as they coordinate with bordering states and fully embrace renewable energy as Ohio’s energy future.

What is Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan is a plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants. States, cities, and businesses around the United States, including Ohio, are taking action through this plan to address climate change risks. The Clean Power Plan advocates for the creation of an affordable, reliable energy system that will cut pollution and protect the health of our environment and future generations. In doing so, the Clean Power Plan promotes the renewable energy market.

The Clean Power Plan has been active since November 13th, 2014.

Click here to learn more about these findings.

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