Wind Turbine Farm in the ocean

Questions for Your Green Energy Provider

Don’t Sign Up Before Talking to Your Green Energy Provider!

Your green energy provider is a wealth of information. They can tell you everything that you need to know about green energy. Green energy is called, ‘green energy’ because it is good for our planet, which, ideally, is mostly blue from the oceans, but green on the land. Things that are good for our planet, though, may take some looking to find, and use. Afterall most all of us are used to the easy way of getting this and getting that. MOst people aren’t aware of their green resources, and will be tempted to revert to the east way of doing things, despite the fact that the easy way will often cause pollution, and be less friendly to the planet than choosing the green way. Green energy providers are here to answer questions, and lay concerns to rest when it comes to your green energy concerns.

Is this Service Available in My Area?

This is the most important question that you will ask you green energy provider, and you will be able to get an answer quickly. The websites of many green energy companies often contain a search engine, and they can help you determine whether or not services are actually available in your area. Whatever the answer, get on the phone with your local green energy provider to get more information. When you can talk over the phone with someone, you have a chance to engage a representative more effectively, and you may think of things that don’t come to mind, or can’t be answered on the website.

What are Your Rates?

This is something that your local green energy provider can definitely assist you with! Along with telling you the rates that are available to you, your local green energy company will also be able to help you better understand how you’re going to be saving money. They will break down the rates, and  explain to you what you should and should not be excited for, giving you the best information with which you will be able to make an informed decision. If you have questions about your rates versus what you’re paying now, they can answer those types of questions, too!

Is Paperwork Involved in Getting Green Energy?

The simple answer is yes, but the rest of the answer is that, despite there being some paperwork involved, you will not have to do it! Your local green energy provider will work directly with your utility company to connect your green energy, and help you to spend less on your monthly or bi-monthly utility bills.

Where Does Your Green Energy Come From?

This is an excellent question! This is also a question that is worth asking for the sake of keeping your energy companies accountable. If your green energy company is sourcing their green energy from environmentally-straining sources, you can try another company. Doing this makes sure that you are receiving services with integrity on your mission to make your world a little greener.