
Reduce Your Energy Use Fast

Quick Ways To Reduce Energy Use To Aid Your Clean Energy Provider

With all of the news reports about carbon monoxide and the other bad things we are doing to our environment, it makes sense that you want to do your part and reduce the amount of energy you use as much as possible. When you are ready to start using a clean energy provider, you are taking a big step in the right direction. There are other things you can do in the meantime to reduce your energy use as well. Here are a few quick tips to reduce your carbon footprint right away:

Maintain Heating And Cooling Units

Doing a few simple things like cleaning or replacing your air filters and getting an annual checkup can help your heating and cooling systems run efficiently and effectively. You’ll save energy (and money on energy bills!) and your units will last longer, which isn’t a bad thing either.

Seal Air Leaks

Windows and doors on homes are susceptible to leaks as the years go by. If you have an older home with older windows and doors, this is especially true. You should consider replacing them or, for the time being, simply caulk or insulate the openings you notice.

Turn Things Off

You might already automatically turn lights off when you leave a room. If not, start doing so right away. Another common sense tip that people miss is to turn off appliances when they aren’t in use. Even if they aren’t being used, they are sucking energy just by being on.

Update Light Bulbs

Switch any incandescent light bulbs over to compact fluorescent bulbs and you will be able to see energy savings right away. Plus, the light bulbs last longer so you won’t have to replace them again as soon.

Install Motion Detectors

Instead of leaving your outdoor lights on all night, you can put in motion detectors so they turn on when something moves outside. You don’t really need them if you aren’t outside and having them pop on can deter burglars from approaching the house.

Upgrade Insulation

With even a small investment, you can improve the amount of insulation you have within your home and help your house stay warmer and cooler. This will cut back on your energy use and help you receive smaller bills as well.

Grab The Opportunities With Star Energy Partners

Even after you do your part to reduce, you still may want to partner up with a clean energy provider to ensure that the energy you are using is clean and from a renewable resource. We create energy from solar power, wind, and other clean areas and we distribute that to you through a power grid, just like a normal company. You get the energy you need without making a huge impact on the environment. The more of us that band together with a clean energy provider, the better it is for our world and the environment right now.