Renewable energy created by wind farms can help with providing energy

Relying Fully on Green Energy

Reliance on Green Energy isn’t New

From growing our vegetables to helping our bodies produce essential Vitamin D, solar and other green energies have been there to help us. With the ability to have this type of energy in our homes, we’ve got a unique luxury: one that will give back to us by protecting the environment without asking us to give up the appliances we love. Life without your video games and flat screen just isn’t worth it, so use the green energy we’ve always used to power your electronics, your vacations, and your adventures.


When you’re out enjoying mother nature’s fine forests and protected park areas, don’t forget your portable solar generator. Just because you’re in the wilderness doesn’t mean that you don’t want to Instagram your tasty jerky or your toilet hacks. Solar generators can be large and powerful enough to keep a home running after sunset, or they can be little machines that charge phones and tablets. If you want to use a safe electric lantern to tell scary stories, or have a can of soup that you heat with a hot plate, a solar generator is the way to keep up with the world while camping.


Fun, engaging, and sometimes thrilling, kayaking is a great use of raw hydropower. Dams are the source of hydropower that powers home and businesses, and it saves just as much money, and is as effective as solar energy. While no known watersports actually power homes, they are actually growing in popularity, and more people are taking advantage of the raw power of nature.  


Sailing is one of the ancient ways of transportation for people. The first sailors passed down ways to navigate and use the wind to their advantage. Windmills, too, use wind power for milling grains, but also for treating animal hide. Wind power in sails has been responsible for civilizations communicating and exchanging goods.

Power Outages

Like their smaller, more compact counterparts, solar-powered backup generators make green energy users’ lives easier. Depending on what you’re able to afford, you may find yourself using your generator every night, until your battery wears out! Solar-powered generators can be expensive, but considering your tax credits for going fully or partially off of the grid, you may be able to offset the costs of your generator with ease. Solar-powered generators are particularly useful when long-term power outages affect a home or a neighborhood. Being able to pull power from another energy source is always valuable, as you never know when a natural disaster could strike.

Tiny Homes

Part of a larger movement to live an eco-friendly lifestyle has been the rising popularity of tiny homes, or homes that are significantly smaller than standard American homes. On average, Tiny Homes are around 500 square feet, and contain an entire home’s worth of living in a space the size of a small studio apartment. Tiny homes are usually built from a combination of renewable and recycled materials. Because of their small size, they are easy and cheap to cool, heat, and power. Solar panels and small generators are usually more than enough to keep these small structures going.