The Green Energy Movement: Top 3 Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The 3 Biggest Contributors of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gases are any number of gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, other gases) produced by humans and released into the atmosphere. They contribute to serious environmental issues—most notably, global warming. Global warming is a very real problem that means the Earth’s surface temperature is rising.

How does this happen? Well, excess heat from the Earth is supposed to be able escape our atmosphere and spread out into space. These greenhouse gases act almost like a shield, trapping the heat within our atmosphere. When this happens, the Earth itself can’t cool off, and we see melting ice caps, rising oceans, and other serious problems.

The first step to reducing the problem is to determine what exactly is causing it in the first place. Here are the top three sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and how we can reduce our impact.

Electricity (30%)

Year after year, electricity has been the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. A majority of our energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels or the creation of nuclear energy. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. When these are burned or when nuclear energy is created, the emissions don’t have anywhere to go, so they stay trapped within our atmosphere.

Green energy (also known as clean energy or renewable energy) is the key to reducing this huge source of greenhouse gases. Wind energy, solar power, biomass energy, and hydropower are all viable sources of energy. The more people choose these types of energy, the more we’ll be able to produce, which will help reduce our dependence on harmful sources.

Transportation (26%)

Just like burning fuel to create energy harms our environment, so does burning fossil fuels to power our vehicles. Extracting oil, transporting it, and driving our vehicles is extremely harmful to the environment.

Today, more and more vehicle manufacturers are coming up with technology to help us reduce this impact. Some of the most eco-friendly and innovative vehicles on the market (or soon to be) include hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles, and compressed-air vehicles. Not only are these better for the environment, but they’re often much more efficient and cheaper to operate than traditional vehicles.

Industry (21%)

Manufacturing and food production are huge contributors to greenhouse gases in the United States. We rely heavily on manufactured goods and processed foods for their convenience. This reliance is also negatively affecting our environment.

While solving this problem is a little trickier, it can be affected by the other two. By finding more reliable, cleaner ways to power production and reducing the burning of fossil fuels, we can help positively impact more sectors of industry.

Join the Green Energy Movement!

Help contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States by choosing your own energy suppliers. From wind power to solar power to biomass energy, you have many renewable energy options to choose from. By choosing one of these, you can help reduce your personal carbon footprint and help support the creation of more green energy.

At Star Energy Partners, we’re committed to reducing our impact on the environment, one energy choice at a time. We’re making our way across the country to empower people to choose green energy. Contact us to get a quote on green energy in your area!