6 Energy-Saving Tips for Summer

How to Avoid High Electricity Prices by Saving Energy This Summer

Summertime brings with it some of life’s greatest pleasures: long & sunny days, pool parties, lake days, baseball games, breaks from school, and so much more. But with all of these great features comes one not-so-great one: steep electricity prices.  

It should come as no surprise that your HVAC system is one of the biggest offenders of steep electricity prices during the summer months. But just because it’s hot outside, you shouldn’t have to pay excessive amounts of money to keep yourself comfortable.

To help you reduce your energy usage and save money each summer, here are some of our most useful tips! Try out one of these (or all of them!) this summer to see just how much you can save.

1. Set your thermostat as high as possible while still remaining comfortable.

We understand that not everyone can be comfortable at 80-something degrees, and that’s okay! We recommend setting your thermostat as close to the 75‒78ºF range as possible. If you’re going to be out of town or out of the house for an extended period of time, set it at a higher temperature or turn it off altogether—depending on how long you’ll be gone.

2. Turn down your water heater settings.

If you can live without your scalding hot showers, go ahead and turn down your water heater’s settings to a comfortable 120ºF.

3. Avoid using hot water whenever possible.

Whether you don’t want to sacrifice your precious hot showers or you just want to save extra money, another option would be to try avoiding using hot water. Washing your hands and your clothes with cold water can help you save a lot of energy over time!

4. Open up your windows and turn off your AC on mild days.

Instead of relying on your air conditioner all the time, try using it only when it’s really necessary. If there’s a nice breeze on any given day or it’s a comfortable temperature, open up your windows and give your HVAC system a rest. Just be sure not to operate your HVAC system while the windows are open, or you’ll end up using even more energy.

5. Take advantage of outdoor grilling when cooking your food.

Powering up your stove or oven can heat up your kitchen and entire home, causing your HVAC system to have to work overtime. Use the summer months as an excuse to grill up your favorite foods instead. And don’t limit yourself to steak and hot dogs! Think outside the box! You can grill vegetables, fruits, pizza, you name it!

6. Sign up for a fixed-rate energy plan.

Utility companies can change your rates whenever they feel like it—often when the demand is high. And the demand is usually highest in the summer. With a fixed-rate energy plan like the Hybrid Advantage, you can say goodbye to fluctuating electricity prices and unexpected charges! As a bonus, our plan offers 100% renewable energy, so it’s a win-win!