
Surprising Facts About Renewable Energy

More Than Meets The Eye With Renewable Energy

Most people assume they have renewable energy all figured out. You’re probably familiar with the typical forms of it, like solar and wind. You’ve probably encountered a whole slew of statistics about the benefits renewable energy has to offer to you and the planet. While this is all useful information, don’t underestimate what renewable energy is and has to offer. There are plenty of surprising facts and statistics for you to learn about. Whether they encourage you to become a Star Energy Partner with us or help you impress your friends at a party, you will find this information useful. Here are a few surprising things about renewable energy.

Renewable Energy Is Becoming Popular

Over the course of its recent history, renewable energy has had a fight on its hands. Traditional forms of energy production like coal and oil have made it difficult for renewable energy to become as popular. That, however, is starting to change. By 2018, renewable energy will be around 25% of the world’s gross power generation. In other words, one quarter of the world’s energy output will come from renewable energy sources.

Hydropower Is Popular

Compared to wind and solar, hydroelectricity tends to go unnoticed. Many people assume they can only benefit from hydropower if they live near the ocean or a large body of water. Thanks to advances in energy distribution technology, however, many people can benefit from this form. So much so, in fact, that it has become the global leader of renewable generation. This means that more countries are turning to hydropower over wind and solar. While all forms of renewable energy sources are important, there’s something to be said for hydroelectricity.

Iceland Is Doing Things Right

If you are looking for the top country using renewable energy, you might assume it’s one of the big dogs. While China leads the world in hydropower production and Germany has its finger on solar energy, there’s no country doing things quite like Iceland. Yes, that little northern country famous for pop-culture exports like Bjorn has quietly been doing renewable energy right. Hydroelectricity makes up over 75% of Iceland’s power production. The rest comes from other renewable sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. Since there are plenty of volcanoes around the country, they have no shortage of heat to keep themselves warm all year long.

Renewable Energy Is The Future

It’s no secret that renewable energy holds the keys to our future success and potential survival. To combat global warming, we need to get away from traditional fuels like oil and coal. The final surprising statistic, however, is just how quickly renewable energy can make a difference. By 2050, renewable energy could meet up to 95% of our overall energy demands around the world. That means we could drastically reduce our global dependence on nonrenewable energy in just over 30 years. Interested in being a part of that solution? If so, think about becoming a Star Energy Partner today. You can find more information on our website or get in touch with us to receive a quote.