Guy installing solar panels on the top of the roof during a sunny day

What Is Clean Energy?

Where Does Clean Energy Come From?

Clean energy is also known as renewable energy. It is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are resources that are naturally replenished. This includes things like sunlight, rain, tides, wind, waves, and heat. Renewable energy can provide energy in four main areas: electricity, heating and cooling, transportation, and rural energy services. Clean energy is quickly becoming cheaper and more efficient, and the growth of consumption is growing as well. There are several options when it comes to clean energy.

Wind Power

Natural airflow is used to run wind turbines, which then spin and create energy. These turbines are often put up where the winds are strongest and most constant. You may see a field on a hill with lots of wind turbines. These are wind farms that are gathering energy to distribute. The long-term potential of wind energy is high and they are the leading source of new energy in Europe as well as Canada and the US. This clean energy source takes some work since the heavy turbines have 80 parts and have to be placed and assembled. However, it’s worth the work, because they can create a ton of energy.


Hydropower is a great clean energy source that is very consistent. Water is 800 times denser than air, so even a slow stream can give out a lot of energy. There are a lot of forms of water energy and, when harnessed, it can create plenty of power. Hydropower is being produced in 150 countries in many different forms, including wave power, ocean thermal energy, and others. This type of clean energy has water as the basic need and not every area has a good location for a water source. But those regions that do have rivers, streams, and bodies of water, can get good clean energy from the source.

Solar Energy

Solar energy uses radiant light and heat from the sun in order to harness energy and turn it into heating, power, and other energy sources. Solar technologies are advancing quickly and becoming more inexpensive. The development of this technology will have huge long-term benefits and advantages on a global scale. Some homes and businesses are already utilizing solar panels to supplement or replace their electricity sources with clean energy.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is stored and generated in the thermal energy of the earth. It’s just a matter of getting to the energy. The heat used from this energy comes from deep in the earth and moves upward. Figuring this energy out has become a national priority as countries move towards different energy sources.

Energy Storage

With all of these options for clean energy, there also needs to be plenty of energy storage methods. Energy storage, often done by an electric company, collects energy from the different methods and stores it on an electric power grid so it can be distributed at the proper times. When the energy being collected exceeds usage, it can return to the grid and wait until it needs to be used at a later time.