Clean Energy Can Come from Large Wind Mills in the Country Side

4 Myths About Clean Energy: Debunked

Debunking Some of the Top Myths on Clean Energy

Especially in the past couple of decades, clean energy (aka: renewable energy, green energy, or alternative energy) has been a hot topic in the United States. Often controversial and often misunderstood, clean energy has the potential to change the future of energy and the future of our environment.

Here are four of the most common myths we hear regarding clean energy. Read through to find out exactly why each one is inaccurate. For more information, visit our FAQ page or contact us.

Myth #1: “I can’t afford to power my home with clean energy.”

Once upon a time, clean energy was seen as a luxury for those who could afford it. But that’s not at all the case anymore. As technology has advanced, we’ve figured out how to make clean energy as easy to create and as efficient as possible.

With large wind farms, solar power plants, and other large-scale clean energy operations all over the country, it’s now just as easy to get clean energy for your home as it is to get any other form of energy. Plus, energy doesn’t have to be used immediately. Large-scale operations can connect their energy directly to the power grid, where it can make its way into hundreds or thousands of homes.

Myth #2: “It’s not possible to get all of my energy from clean energy sources.”

Also not true! While some people choose only to supplement their traditional energy with clean energy sources, that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t get all of their energy from clean sources. In fact, many energy suppliers and utility companies offer 100% clean energy to those who want it. Whether it’s wind energy, solar power, or biomass energy, you could potentially power your entire home with clean energy. Add on a clean energy vehicle, and you could really make a difference!

Myth #3: “Clean energy just isn’t a reliable source of power.”

Critics of clean energy claim that it just isn’t a reliable source of power for a few reasons. They argue that not all types of clean energy are available everywhere. Additionally, the availability of clean energy depends on the sun shining or the wind blowing—and these don’t always happen.

However, clean energy doesn’t just have to stay in one place. Just like nuclear energy or fossil fuels, energy created from clean energy sources can be connected to the power grid. This means that it can travel for miles to reach those who need it.

Myth #4: “Clean energy vehicles just aren’t worth it.”

Your home isn’t the only place that could benefit from clean energy. You could be driving a car that runs on less traditional gas  or no fossil fuels at all. Unfortunately, many assume that to drive a clean energy vehicle, you’ll be facing the following risks:

  • The cars may be too expensive (up front or to maintain)
  • The cars won’t last long
  • The only options are ugly or boring
  • The cars won’t perform as well as normal vehicles

While some of these may have been true years ago, the clean energy vehicles today are a force to be reckoned with. You can find Hybrid cars, electric vehicles, and more by a number of makers—with many priced at under $30,000. Plus, they’ll help you save money on gas and maintenance costs!