Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Green Energy Including these Wind Mills

Pros & Cons of the Types of Green Energy

Comparing the Different Types of Green Energy

Nearly anywhere you look in nature—from the ground to the sky—you can find various sources of green energy. And thanks to advances in technology over the years, we’ve been able to harness the various sources of energy for our everyday use. Let’s briefly compare the pros and cons of four of the most commonly used types of green energy.

Pros & Cons of Wind Energy

Civilizations have been using wind energy for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. What started as simple windmills powering small farms has evolved into huge wind farms that can power entire neighborhoods and more.

The advantages of wind energy include that it:

  • Is a  clean source of energy (no harmful waste produced)
  • Is a cost-effective form of energy
  • Has the potential to become our main source of energy
  • Can be a good source of income for landowners

Potential negative aspects of wind energy include that it:

  • Is not the most reliable form of energy (dependent on the wind blowing)
  • May be a threat to wildlife (birds, specifically)
  • Produces noise and visual pollution
  • Is only effective in certain locations
  • Is expensive to set up

Pros & Cons of Solar Power

Solar power (or solar energy) is made accessible when the energy from the sun is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Recently, solar power has become more available and less costly than ever before.

Some of the advantages of solar power include that it:

  • Is a renewable, eco-friendly source of energy
  • Is extremely abundant (the source won’t run out)
  • Is available all over the world
  • Is a silent, less-disturbing way to produce electricity

Potential disadvantages of solar power include that it:

  • Can be expensive to store
  • Can only be created during the day when the sun is up
  • Requires a lot of space/land in order to be effective

Pros & Cons of Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric power is a form of renewable energy that is generated through the gravitational force of flowing or falling water. This type of energy can be created through dams, tidal power stations, run-of-the-river facilities, or pumped storage.

Some of the advantages of hydroelectric power include that it:

  • Is a green renewable form of energy
  • Is a reliable source of power
  • Is safer to produce than other forms of energy

Potential disadvantages of hydroelectric power include that it:

  • May cause other environmental consequences
  • Can be very expensive to create
  • Doesn’t work/won’t be available in the case of droughts

Pros & Cons of Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is energy that is created through the burning of natural materials. This can wood, plants, animal fats, and more. When these materials are burned, they release carbon dioxide and help create energy.

Some of the advantages of biomass energy include that it:

  • Is a renewable form of energy
  • Is a cost-effective form of energy
  • Can be derived from an abundant number of sources
  • Is not harmful to the environment

A couple of the negative aspects of biomass energy include that it:

  • Can be expensive to produce
  • Requires a relatively large amount of space

Contact us for even more information on green energy in your area!