Wind Turbines in front of large green hills representing a clean environment

Myths and Truths about Renewable Energy

Whether You’ve Got it or Not, Rely on Renewable Energy

Though a noble and worthy cause, there are quite a few misconceptions and misunderstandings about renewable energy. Renewable energy has always been around for trees and flowers, but humans have been able to utilize it for electricity use since the end of the 19th century. Solar cells, like so many other things, were first discovered in a lab where Europeans were looking for a way to harness the power of the sun that we all rely on. Once that technology progressed enough to make solar panels, wonderful things began to happen. For example, the first solar panels ever successfully manufactured are still in use today, and fully-functional. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to understand what you’re signing up for with renewable energy.

If the Sun’s Gone, I’m Outta Luck

While this is true if you are completely reliant on solar panels, and never bought a back-up generator, as a general rule for people who are integrating renewable energy with their power that comes from the traditional grid. Your renewable energy, however, will more than likely be sourced, at least in part, from solar energy, but if there is a problem getting this energy to you, it is possible that your renewable energy supplier will inform you, or just source from their renewable energies.

Renewable Energy Costs an Arm and a Leg

This was certainly the case decades ago, but technology has come a long way since the decades of expensive, partially unreliable service to a great service that gives everyone the chance to do a little to make the planet a little healthier. Because of the advances in technology, you can access clean, renewable energy at a fraction of the cost from decades ago, and you can feel good about paying less. In fact, in many situations, the cost of renewable energy is actually less than sticking to the traditional grid, making adding or integrating renewable energy to your home both a cool and a practical thing to do.

I Have to Install Ugly Solar Panels

Solar panels got a bad rap in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. During that time, admittedly, they weren’t the ideal way to make a positive impact due to their bulky size and sometimes awkward placement.  Today, the appearance of solar panels has changed enough that far fewer people are reticent to own them, and add them to their homes. Today, a new generation with better education concerning the health of the planet, as well as their own carbon footprint, are looking to the once-shunning solar panels as a great way to reduce the effections of global warming. These days, companies prefer to have their own solar panels, from which they can harvest solar energy to distribute to anyone that would like it.

Renewable Energy Doesn’t Make a Difference

To the contrary! A perfect example how energy reduction helps the planet is the sudden popularity of energy-efficient light bulbs. Hundreds of people noticed immediate savings on their energy bills, and electric providers all over the nation reported a slight decrease in energy use. This, of course, is great! Not only are people using a different type of healthier energy, but they’re using it to the benefit of the planet.