Solar panels placed at an optimal angle to get the most out of the solar energy

Where to Use Solar Energy

Solar Energy Frees You

Switching to solar energy, or simply integrating it into your traditional electricity plan, is a great way to give back to the planet, and to give back to your wallet. Solar energy is actually everywhere; you don’t have to look far to see where solar energy changes people’s lives for the best possible outcome for all of us. If you’re not sure of exactly how solar energy can travel from place to place, or affect so many different parts of life, every place that can be positively affected by solar energy has a couple of different benefits to bear in mind.


Whether you’ve got panels, or you’ve got a reliable solar energy provider, you’re on the right track to saving money and protecting the planet. Solar panels on your home should probably be accompanied by a solar-powered backup generator that you can use at night. Unfortunately, since the sun’s light isn’t available at night, solar power is harder to get to homes that need their electricity. With a generator, though, you’re back to where you need to be in minutes, and without burning fossil fuels. So go ahead, turn on that television, dry those clothes, run that microwave, and chill under the hot water in your shower. You’ve got plenty of power to have fun!


If you work in an office, you may have solar panels installed on the roof! If not, don’t worry: your place of work probably does have a place for solar panels! Just think of all of the energy it takes to run an office: bright lights so that everyone can see, printers on, loaded, and ready to go, fully-charged phones, computers that may never be turned off, and so on. If your office hasn’t at least inquired about solar energy, you are missing out on savings that could directly contribute to the amount of money from revenue that you’re able to keep. Don’t spend extra money on utilities, spend it on luncheons!

Shopping Malls

Everyone needs to go to the mall sometimes. Indoor or outdoor, single- or multi-level, malls are huge consumers of energy, and their collective bills can go through the roof! If you are a business owner or operator in a mall, you know that the music coming through the stereos takes power, as does the register, the lights, and the cool fashion videos for the curious fashionistas. Don’t raise your prices to cover your energy costs. Call your business landlord, and suggest adding solar power. Shopping malls are usually located in open areas with plenty of space, and away from huge buildings that block the sun, so you’ve got nothing to lose.


Believe it or not, solar-powered cars have been around for years. The fastest ones can only reach around 60 miles per hours, but then again, why would you need to go faster? Solar-powered cars can still have a battery, like a traditional car, but won’t need to be changed nearly as often. Everything that the car does can be powered with solar panels installed right on the vehicle!