Green hilly pasture with wind turbines at the top

Get the Most From Your Renewable Energy Provider

What to Expect From a Renewable Energy Provider

Now is a very exciting time to consider switching to a renewable energy provider. The sustainable energy industry is growing at impressive rates which is making it more convenient for people to not only access that sustainable energy, but also benefit financially from using it instead of traditional energy sources. If you are thinking of transitioning over to a more sustainable way to source the energy you consume on a daily basis, here are some facts that will motivate you even more to make the switch to a renewable energy provider.

Help Do Your Part for the Environment

Take a moment to think about all the different ways you use energy in your daily life. From the alarm clock that woke you up, to the car that drove you to work—these all required energy to work properly. Unfortunately, a majority of the energy that we consume comes from fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. While these are technically “naturally occurring” elements, burning them for energy has a very negative impact on the environment. Global climate change, heavy air pollution, acid rain, and oil spills are all consequences of pollution from fossil fuels. Switching to a renewable energy provider is a great way to make a positive change in how we treat the environment.

The Wonders of Wind Energy

Your renewable energy provider is very likely to use wind energy as one of its sources of power. In the past few years there have been some very exciting advances in wind energy technology. The turbines that have been constructed are now powering hundreds of homes by using the wind’s energy to convert into electrical power and then be used in the power grid. Wind power is 100% clean, which means there is no harmful waste or emission.  

Smile About Solar Energy

Solar energy is another source that your renewable energy provider will be sourcing from. Solar panels can use either the light from the sun or the heat it produces to create either electrical or thermal energy. This energy is then turned into electricity and used to power your home or business.

Choose Where Your Energy Comes from

It used to be that you had no choice over where your energy comes from. Fortunately, because of deregulations, you have the freedom to make that choice. Choosing a renewable energy provider has a number of benefits. One is just knowing that you are doing your part to help the environment. You are also helping to reduce the United States’ dependence on imported fuels, and helping to create more green jobs.

A More Reliable Choice

Making the transition to using a renewable energy provider means that your source of energy will be more reliable. Because there is so much money in fossil fuels, and many of them are imported, it’s common for them to be a cause of political unrest between the United States and foreign countries. Another aspect of renewable energy being more reliable is in the case of severe weather. When a storm causes traditional electricity to go out, a very large area is affected because the power lines are all connected. Solar and wind energy work much more independently so if one goes down, not all of the surrounding areas will be affected.