Electric car being charged

Buying Clean Electricity From A Clean Energy Provider

Clean Energy Provider Options

The electricity industry is changing, just like any other industry. Technology is steamrolling every industry and today, at least 50% of the customers on the market have the option to buy renewable electricity from their power supplier. The other half of the market has the option of purchasing renewable energy certificates, which is also sometimes called green or clean power. There are many different programs where you can buy clean power from a clean energy provider in most states.

Green Pricing

Some power companies have an optional service available to their customers called green pricing. This option allows customers to pay a small premium in exchange for electricity that comes from a clean energy provider. In other words, their electricity comes from green, clean, renewable resources. The premium the customer pays covers costs incurred by the power provider when adding the renewable energy to the power mix.

Competitive Electricity Markets

In other parts of the country, customers can choose not only how the electricity they use is generated, but also what clean energy provider is generating it. Some states have restructured their electric industry to allow competitions among electricity generators. Clean energy provider options, which specialize in making electricity with renewable sources, are using that restructuring to sell clean power products to a variety of customers. Default suppliers are offering more green power options to stay competitive.

Green Certificates

Buying green certificates allows companies to contribute to generating clean, renewable power. Any company who wants to increase the amount of clean power the nation is using in the electricity supply line can buy these certificates to help. As the certificates sell, clean energy provider companies will have more money in order to increase their competitive value and spread to other markets. The renewable energy projects benefit in the development stages as extra revenue rolls in.

Finding A Clean Energy Provider

If you are interested in making the switch from your regular electric company to a clean energy provider, there are several things you will want to check into before taking the leap. First, ensure that the company provides the type of energy you want. You can take a look at their website, but also read reviews from customers online. Today’s customers are savvy and won’t let a clean energy provider get away with saying they provide clean energy if they don’t. Also look into how the energy is provided to ensure that you appreciate the type of energy you will be receiving. While you may expect the bill to change a bit, you will want to know what pricing levels are available so you don’t get a shock after you start getting energy in this new manner and get your first bill.