Solar panels on top of a house next to the beach

How Does Solar Energy Work In A Home?

Solar Energy Operation

Solar energy uses the heat from the sunlight in order to create electricity. Solar thermal applications were first used in order to heat water and other items within a home. Now, solar energy can be used as electricity through the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight shines on solar panels, which are usually mounted on hills or buildings, it creates direct current electricity. Each solar panel has a string of solar cells together in a series. The string inverters flow down into the building (if the panels are on a building) to power it. Regardless of where solar panels are, they’re all working hard to harness the power of the sun and create electricity that we can all use for a more sustainable lifestyle.

How Does It Work At Night?

Electricity is something you are used to being able to turn on and off at will. You don’t want to have to wait to use solar energy when the sun is out. Thankfully, this isn’t an issue when you’re using a solar energy provider. They will use solar energy when it’s available, and other sources when it’s not. But what does happen when it’s dark outside and the sun isn’t able to power solar energy panels? The sun doesn’t shine at night and it doesn’t come out when it’s cloudy. Luckily, these grids load electrical currents when the sun is out and are able to save the energy until it is needed.

Battery Storage

There are solar energy panels that store energy in a battery that is then used to power homes. Every time the sun is shining, the battery is charged. The solar energy can be used directly from the sun when the sun is out, and when it is cloudy or the sun is not out at all, the battery can power the home until the sun is available again.

Solar Energy: A Renewable Resource

Solar energy is an abundant, renewable resource that gives the earth more power than it needs in order to supply the entire world with electricity. Harnessing that solar energy doesn’t generate any pollution. There are emissions associated with installing solar energy equipment, but they are minimal compared to generating power with electricity used from fossil fuels. Solar panels can last for decades so they, overall, are environmentally friendly. Solar panels have no moving parts and little maintenance and are favored as the renewable technology of the future for homes and businesses.

How Do I Know I’m Getting Solar Energy?

When you’re getting electricity through a renewable energy provider, you likely won’t be able to tell exactly when you’re getting solar as opposed to wind or other renewable energy sources. However, you can find out how much renewable energy you’re receiving by doing just a bit of research on your energy provider. With Star Energy, you can rest assured that you’re helping the environment while also saving money by using solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources.