More Sources of Green Energy Include Geothermal Energy and Biomass Energy 5-10

2 More Sources of Green Energy

Green Energy Comes In Many Forms

While most people know you can harvest energy from wind and sunlight, many are surprised to learn that much of earth’s alternative energy is created by geothermal energy and biomass energy.

Geothermal Energy

Radioactive decay in the earth’s core produces mass amounts of heat that rise to the earth crust. It’s the reason for national landmarks like Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park and The Geysers, a geothermal field in California. This heat actually has energy producing capabilities and can be harnessed as a source of renewable energy.

To produce geothermal energy, steam turns turbines to create electricity. There are a few naturally occurring steam reservoirs, but most geothermal plants inject cold water into the hot rocks and water to produce steam. If managed properly, the rocks and water reheat and can be used as sources of energy for centuries.

However, if heat is extracted too quickly the rocks can cool and no longer produce energy. This happened at the first geothermal electrical plant in Larderello, Italy. When this happens, sometimes the site can be resuscitated by reinfusing hot water but this can cause micro earthquakes and shut the entire plant down.

Radioactive decay has been heating the core for over 4.5 billion years, and will continue to heat the earth for billions of years to come making it a sustainable source of energy. This source produces energy twenty-four seven, regardless of weather conditions or season giving it great potential.

While solar panels lay dormant at night and wind farms sit still on a breeze-free day, geothermal plants can extract heat all day and all night. For this reason countries like Iceland and the Philippines, which are home to abundant volcanic activity, support almost all of their country’s energy use with geothermal energy.

Its energy producing capacity and harmless byproduct (steam), makes geothermal energy the most effective and safe form of alternative energy according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Biomass Energy

A cross between fossil fuels and solar energy, biomass energy harnesses power created by the sun by burning plants and algae. Biomass energy can also produce power from trees and waste, which are readily available and can be easily managed. Unlike solar and wind energy, biomass energy is stored within organisms and can be farmed when needed. You don’t need to wait for the next wind storm or sunny day.

Biomass can be burned, converted into gas, or turned into biofuel. By burning organic materials heat is produced and can be converted into energy. These same organic materials can also be converted into gas by infusing heated materials with oxygen to break down the molecules. This gas can then be used for energy.

Biofuel is a liquid form of energy created from biomass that can be used to power vehicles. The two most common biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. Currently used in the United States, Sweden, and Austria, biofuel combines ethanol with animal fat, cooking oils, or vegetable oil to power cars without the carbon emissions of fossil fuels.

Biomass is also highly concentrated in hydrogen cells which can be chemically extracted and used to power vehicles. The US Department of Energy estimates that up 40 million tons of hydrogen can be produced from biomass every year, enough for 150 million vehicles.

There are concerns if biomass is truly a clean, sustainable resource. If done properly and harvesting schedules managed, biomass energy wouldn’t have negative byproducts. For example, when farmed correctly trees can absorb carbon and offset carbon emissions, but done improperly it depletes our natural resources and introduces carbon to the atmosphere.

How To Use Green Energy In Your Home

While you might not be able to install a geothermal plant near your home, it is still possible to power your home using 100% green energy. Our energy suppliers work with solar energy and wind energy so that we can give you an affordable green option. We provide you with energy alternatives, allow you to choose your low fixed rate, and provide you with reliable renewable energy. You’re charged the same low rate every month and can cancel at any time with no cancellation fees. It’s that simple.