Of All the Types of Clean Energy, Nuclear Energy is the Most Controversial 5-1

Nuclear Power: The Controversial Clean Energy

Nuclear Energy is Highly Controversial

Once thought to be the future of clean energy, nuclear energy is now highly controversial. Most countries are investigating nuclear-free clean energy as alternatives to fossil fuels because nuclear power plants are expensive to build, can malfunction, and produce radioactive waste that no one knows how to safely dispose of. However, nuclear power plants also produce mass quantities of energy easily; 20% of US power is created by nuclear energy while 90% of french power is generated by nuclear energy.

The Benefits of Nuclear Energy As Clean Energy

Nuclear power has some disastrous side effects, but countries still utilize it because of the mass amounts of power the existing nuclear infrastructure can produce. Nuclear energy is also a low carbon energy so switching back to fossil fuels would be worse.

Those in support of nuclear energy argue that Nuclear energy is advancing like all types of clean energy. The reactors being built now are much safer and more efficient than those built in the ‘70s. The same is true of solar panels and wind turbines; as more is invested into research and development, clean energy technology becomes safer and more efficient.

Why Nuclear Energy Isn’t Actually “Clean Energy”

While nuclear reactors are low carbon, they aren’t free of harmful byproducts. Nuclear energy produces radiation, radioactive waste, water pollution, and threat of a nuclear meltdown.

Radiation & Radioactive Waste

One of the most glaring problems with nuclear energy is radiation. Prolonged exposure to radiation can cause radiation sickness and even death. Anyone working in a nuclear plant can be exposed to radiation and recent studies show that there are no “safe” levels of radiation. However, radiation is a part of how nuclear reactors produces energy and can never be avoided.

Nuclear energy also produces radioactive waste. Currently this waste is being stored on-site in wet pools and dry tanks, but this is not a longterm solution as it increases the likelihood of leakage. Eventually the radioactive waste will need to be stored elsewhere and there are currently no solutions. There were plans to make Yucca Mountain a repository for all of America’s high level radioactive waste, but plans were squashed and now the 75,000 metric tons of nuclear waste exceeds the mountain’s capacity.

Water Pollution

Pollution doesn’t just refer to alien particles in air or water, heat can also be considered a pollutant. Most plants are located next to a large body of water because reactors require tons of water being pumped throughout the plant to cool the reactors. However, once this water heated inside the plant it is deposited back into the lake or ocean. This can increase the ecosystem’s temperature anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees and changes which organisms can live there. If the plant leaks it can radioactively contaminate the water.

Plant Meltdowns & Safety

Currently, one nuclear plant meltdown can be expected every decade. When a plant meltdown the land can’t be used for farming or residence for quite some time. In some cases, it is likely to never be used again. This happened to the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine. The plant meltdown killed thousands from radiation exposure and made thousands of acres of land unusable for agriculture or living.

Global Movements For Clean Energy

After the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown, many countries are shifting away from nuclear energy and towards solar and wind energy. Germany has plants to shut down all nuclear reactors by 2022. They have already closed down a number and repurposed some of the plants into things like amusements parks.

How To Use Clean Energy In Your Home

While nuclear energy might be controversial, saving the planet is not. With over two million metric tons of air pollution being created every year, converting to clean energy is becoming a global initiative. Switching to renewable energy energy is easy. Simply request a quote and we’ll provide you with our energy platform. We, as an electricity company, let you choose your low fixed cost to help you save on your electrical bill. Once you compare our low price protected fixed rate to your current, unpredictable energy bill, you’ll see how saving the planet can also save your wallet.